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» Az-Zuhree: Teaching a Sunnah is more superior than two hundred years of Worship
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04-11-2009 @ 6:54 AM    Notify Admin about this post
ibn Ahmad Maher ibn Ahmad (U.S.A.)
Posts: 950
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Bismillaah al-Hamdulillaah wa salatu wa salaamu 'ala rasulullaah

Amma ba'd

Teaching a Sunnah is more superior than two hundred years of Worship  

(Aboo 'Uthmaan said),
"I found in the book of the Shaikh, the Imaam, my grandfather, aboo 'Abdullaah Muhammad ibn 'Adee Hamdawaih as-Saaboonee (rahimahullaah ta'aala), Abul-'Abbaas, al-Hasan ibn Sufyaan an-Nasawee informed us that al-'Abbaas ibn Sabeeh narrated to them (saying): 'Abdul-Jabbaar ibn Taahir narrated to us (saying): Ma'mar ibn Raashid narrated to me (saying): I heard Ibn Shihaab az-Zuhree saying,
"Teaching a sunnah is more superior than two hundred years of worship."

- Usool-u-Sunnah by Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal (rahimahullaah), Chapter Six: The Distinguishing Signs of Ahlus-Sunnah  

Subhanak Allaahuma wa bihamdika ash-hadu anlaa illaaha illa anta astaghfiruka wa atubu ilayk  

If I said anything correct, then it is from Allaah (subhanahu wa taa'ala), and if I erred, then that is from me and shaytan.

05-11-2009 @ 6:07 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Abul-'Abbaas Moosaa ibn John Richardson (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia)
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Meaning: 200 years of individual worship, like optional fasting and praying, since those deeds are for the one who performs them, and the reward for them would not increase over time, in contrast to someone who teaches a sunnah.  Teaching a sunnah is also a kind of worship, yet its reward is multiplied over time based on the number of people who practice what they learn, call to it, and teach it to others.

So there is no specification of a reward of 200 here by Imaam az-Zuhree, rather he was giving an extreme example of the difference between two kinds of worship: one kind thats benefit is restricted to the one who performs it, and the other that has ongoing reward piling up based on the actions of the people who learned from the teacher, and those who learned from their students, and so on.

The Prophet (may Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace) said, what means, "Whoever invites to goodness will have a reward like all those who follow him in that, without their rewards decreasing in the least..." (Muslim)

Moosaa ibn John Richardson

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05-11-2009 @ 8:50 AM    Notify Admin about this post
ibn Ahmad Maher ibn Ahmad (U.S.A.)
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Bismillaah Al-Hamdulillaah wa salatu wa salaamu 'ala rasulullaah
Amma ba'd

SubhanAllaah, Allaah is The Most Generous. Al-Hamdulillaah.

Jazak Allaahu khairun, Moosaa.

Subhanak Allaahuma wa bihamdika ash-hadu anlaa illaaha illa anta astaghfiruka wa atubu ilayk  

If I said anything correct, then it is from Allaah (subhanahu wa taa'ala), and if I erred, then that is from me and shaytan.

10-11-2009 @ 7:32 AM    Notify Admin about this post
ibn Ahmad Maher ibn Ahmad (U.S.A.)
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Bismillaah Al-Hamdulillaah wa salatu wa salaamu 'ala rasulullaah

Amma ba'd

The Messenger of Allaah (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) said:
Whoever revives a sunnah from my Sunnah and the people practice it, will have the same reward of those who practice it without their reward diminishing...
(Ibn Majah)

Subhanak Allaahuma wa bihamdika ash-hadu anlaa illaaha illa anta astaghfiruka wa atubu ilayk  

If I said anything correct, then it is from Allaah (subhanahu wa taa'ala), and if I erred, then that is from me and shaytan.

11-11-2009 @ 5:22 AM    Notify Admin about this post
ibn Ahmad Maher ibn Ahmad (U.S.A.)
Posts: 950
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Bismillaah Al-Hamdulillaah wa salatu wa salaamu 'ala rasulullaah
Amma ba'd

Accepting back the Merchandise is a means of Forgiveness of Sins

Narrated by Abu Hurairah (radiallaahu 'anhu): Allaah's Messenger (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) said,
"Whoever accepts back what he had sold to a Muslim, Allaah will forgive his fault."

- Reported by Abu Dawud and Ibn Majah, and authenticated by Ibn Hibban and Al-Hakim  

Commentary from Buloogh Al-Maram: If it is already agreed that the merchandise can be returned, then the buyer has full right to return it. But if it is not agreed before and the buyer wishes to return it, in this situation, whoever takes back the merchandise will have his sins forgiven by Allaah.

Subhanak Allaahuma wa bihamdika ash-hadu anlaa illaaha illa anta astaghfiruka wa atubu ilayk  

If I said anything correct, then it is from Allaah (subhanahu wa taa'ala), and if I erred, then that is from me and shaytan.

19-11-2009 @ 3:35 AM    Notify Admin about this post
ibn Ahmad Maher ibn Ahmad (U.S.A.)
Posts: 950
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Bismillaah Al-Hamdulillaah wa salatu wa salaamu 'ala rasulullaah

Amma ba'd

Abu Hurairah narrated that the Messenger of Allaah (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) said:
Islam began as strange, and it will return strange as it began so tooba [glad tidings] to the strangers.

In another narration, the Messenger of Allaah (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) was asked, "O Messenger of Allaah, who are the strangers?" He (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) replied:
Those who are steadfast in righteousness at a time when the people become corrupt.
[At-Tahaawee in al-Mushkil (298/1)]

In another version, he (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) said:
Those who correct what the people have corrupted of my Sunnah.
[At-Tirmidhee (2765), at-Tabaranee in al-Kabeer (16/17), al-Bazzaar (3287) and others.]

Shaikh Ibn Baaz (rahimahullaah) brought the above hadeeth and the subsequent narrations, and said about them:

So this noble hadeeth makes it clear to the people of intellect that calling to the truth and refuting that which the people have introduced into the religion - at a time when Islaam is strange - is regarded to be from the reformation which the Prophet (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) encouraged and praised its people for.

This great hadeeth also makes clear to the readers that it is obligatory upon the people of truth - when Islaam has become strange - to become more active in explaining the rulings of Islaam, giving Da'wah and spreading merits and virtues, and fighting against the vices. It is also necessary for them to be firm upon that until they become one of the righteous people at a time when corruption is prevalent, and they become one of those who correct the mischief when the people are active in it. Indeed, Allaah is the Granter of success, Exalted be He.

Source: Words of Advice Regarding Da'wah, by Shaikh Ibn Baaz, under the chapter: "If One Becomes Alienated and is Shunned, then he should work harder in his Da'wah."

Subhanak Allaahuma wa bihamdika ash-hadu anlaa illaaha illa anta astaghfiruka wa atubu ilayk  

If I said anything correct, then it is from Allaah (subhanahu wa taa'ala), and if I erred, then that is from me and shaytan.

20-11-2009 @ 6:17 AM    Notify Admin about this post
ibn Ahmad Maher ibn Ahmad (U.S.A.)
Posts: 950
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Bismillaah Al-Hamdulillaah wa salatu wa salaamu 'ala rasulullaah
Amma ba'd

Making Takbir, then du'aa to Allaah after praying two rak'ah inside the Ka'bah (Hijr) is a Sunnah  

Question: Is salat inside the Ka'bah in any way superior to salat outside it, and is it permissible for a person to speak of what he has seen inside the ka'bah?

Answer by The Permanent Committee: Salat inside the Ka'bah is preferred, if it is possible to do so without any inconvenience, difficulty or harm to anyone, as the Prophet (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) entered it and prayed therein, according to an authentic narration in the Sahihain (Two Sahihs). And it has been reported from him (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) that he came out one day looking sad, and he said: "Verily, I fear that I may have placed a burden upon my Ummah (i.e. by entering the ka'bah)." [1]

And when 'A`ishah (radiallaahu 'anha) asked him about salat in the Ka'bah, he said: "Pray in the Hijr, because it is a part of the House." [2]

This proves that salat inside the Ka'bah is preferred and is a means of drawing close (to Allaah) and an act of obedience, and in it is great merit.

However, it is not fitting that there should be crowding, or harm, or doing anything which causes difficulty to him or to the people. It is enough for him to pray in the Hijr, because it is a part of the House; and there is no objection to speaking about what he has seen inside the Ka'bah, such as its inscriptions, or what is on its ceiling or the like. There is no objection to a person talking and saying: "I saw such and such and such and such." There is no sin in that.

The Sunnah, when one enters the Ka'bah, is to pray two rak'ahs and to say "Allaahu Akbar" and invoke Allaah, the Almighty, the All-Powerful with whatever supplications are easy for him at the end of it, especially those which have been reported (from the Prophet, salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) because the Prophet (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) entered the Ka'bah and prayed therein, then he performed Takbir and supplicated Allaah. All of this has been authentically reported from him (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam).

The Permanent Committee; Fatawa Islamiya, Volume 2

[1] Abu Dawud no. 2029.

[2] Abu Dawud no. 2028; Ahmad 6:92

Subhanak Allaahuma wa bihamdika ash-hadu anlaa illaaha illa anta astaghfiruka wa atubu ilayk  

If I said anything correct, then it is from Allaah (subhanahu wa taa'ala), and if I erred, then that is from me and shaytan.

26-11-2009 @ 2:38 AM    Notify Admin about this post
ibn Ahmad Maher ibn Ahmad (U.S.A.)
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Bismillaah Al-Hamdulillaah wa salatu wa salaamu 'ala rasulullaah
Amma ba'd

Taking a different way home after Jumu'ah, 'Eid, Hajj  

Narrated by Jabir bin 'Abdullah: On the Day of 'Eid, the Prophet (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) used to return (after offering the 'Eid prayer) through a way different from that by which he went.

- Sahih Bukhari, in The Book of The Two 'Eid Festivals

Extra point of benefit: Shaykh 'Abdul-Azeez bin Baaz said,
"To take a different road home from the one you go to Jumu'ah on is a Sunnah as well. The hadeeth that deals with practicing this action for 'Eid carries the same meaning for Jumu'ah and Hajj."

Source: Al-Hullul Ibreezeeyah min Ta'leeqatul Bazeeyah 'Ala Saheeh Al-Bukhari (1/291).

Translated by: Abu Aaliyah Abdullah Ibn Dwight Lamont Battle

Subhanak Allaahuma wa bihamdika ash-hadu anlaa illaaha illa anta astaghfiruka wa atubu ilayk  

If I said anything correct, then it is from Allaah (subhanahu wa taa'ala), and if I erred, then that is from me and shaytan.

05-12-2009 @ 4:42 AM    Notify Admin about this post
ibn Ahmad Maher ibn Ahmad (U.S.A.)
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Bismillaah Al-Hamdulillaah wa salatu wa salaamu 'ala rasulullaah
Amma ba'd

Spreading out fingers in ruku', bringing fingers together in sujud  

Narrated by Waa`il bin Hujr (radiallaahu 'anhu):
"Whenever the Prophet (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) bowed, he would spread out his fingers; and when he prostrated, he would bring his fingers together."
[Reported by Al-Hakim]

[Haakim - referenced above - declared it saheeh and Dhahabi agreed, according to Al-Albani.]

Subhanak Allaahuma wa bihamdika ash-hadu anlaa illaaha illa anta astaghfiruka wa atubu ilayk  

If I said anything correct, then it is from Allaah (subhanahu wa taa'ala), and if I erred, then that is from me and shaytan.

30-01-2010 @ 12:41 AM    Notify Admin about this post
ibn Ahmad Maher ibn Ahmad (U.S.A.)
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Bismillaah Al-Hamdulillaah wa salatu wa salaamu 'ala rasulullaah
Amma ba'd

Occasions Legislated to Send Salaah upon the Messenger (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam)  

Scholar of Hadeeth, Shaikh Rabee' Ibn Haadee al-Madkhalee (hafidhahullaah) wrote in his book The Status of the Messenger and His Rights:

Then there are those occasions when it is legislated that salaah should be sent upon the Messenger (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) as Imaam Ibnul-Qayyim (rahimahullaah) mentioned in his book Jalaa'ul-Afhaam fis-Salaat was-salaam 'alaa Khayril-An'aam (A Clarification for the Intellects Regarding Sending Blessings and Peace on the Best of Creation)  

1. At the conclusion of the qunoot
2. In the funeral Prayer
3. In the khutab (sermons) such as the Friday khutba and the khutba delivered on the day of 'Eid
4. When responding to the call of the mu`adhdhin and when standing for prayer
5. When making du'aa (supplication)
6. When entering and exiting the mosque
7. In the gatherings of the people, before they depart
8. When his (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) name is mentioned, and the scholars have differed regarding this
9. When leaving from a sitting to which one was invited
10. When concluding a sitting
11. When writing his (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) name
12. During the nikkah

[Note: Shaikh Rabee' preceded this list by opening the chapter - The Obligation of Sending Blessings Upon the Messenger (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) - with proofs and scholarly verdicts (from Ibn Kathir and Imam Shafi'ee and others) supporting the obligation of sending the salaah upon the Prophet (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) in the last tashahhud; and without it, the salat is incorrect.]

Subhanak Allaahuma wa bihamdika ash-hadu anlaa illaaha illa anta astaghfiruka wa atubu ilayk  

If I said anything correct, then it is from Allaah (subhanahu wa taa'ala), and if I erred, then that is from me and shaytan.

30-01-2010 @ 1:29 AM    Notify Admin about this post
ibn Ahmad Maher ibn Ahmad (U.S.A.)
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Bismillaah Al-Hamdulillaah wa salatu wa salaamu 'ala rasulullaah
Amma ba'd

Wiping Sleep from the Face

Ibn 'Abbass (radiallaahu 'anhumma) narrated that he spent the night at his aunt's [Maymounah's] house (radiallaahu 'anha). He said,
"I lied across the pillow, while my aunt and Allaah's Messenger (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) both lied on the pillow. The Prophet (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) slept until a little before or after the middle of the night. He (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) woke up and began to wipe the sleep from his face with both his hands..."

Collected by Bukhari (183) and Muslim (763)

Shaykh Muhammad ibn Salih Al-Uthaymeen (rahimahullaah) commented on this hadeeth saying:
-This hadeeth shows it's permissible to spend the night in a house with a man and his wife under two conditions:

1. Permission is granted from both spouses.
2. No hardship results from this action.

- The Prophet (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) used to wake up early at night, before the middle part. He would stay awake until about a sixth of its part remained, then go back to sleep until the call for Fajr. This is what he did most of the time, and sometimes he remained awake from the middle of the night until Fajr.

- It is a legislated (recommended) act to wipe the sleep from the face when waking up. By doing so, you'll find energy."
[Sharh Saheeh Bukhari, by Shaykh Al-Uthaymeen; Hadeeth no. 183]

Translated by Abu Aaliyah Abdullah Ibn Dwight Battle (may Allah forgive him)  

Subhanak Allaahuma wa bihamdika ash-hadu anlaa illaaha illa anta astaghfiruka wa atubu ilayk  

If I said anything correct, then it is from Allaah (subhanahu wa taa'ala), and if I erred, then that is from me and shaytan.

07-02-2010 @ 12:34 AM    Notify Admin about this post
ibn Ahmad Maher ibn Ahmad (U.S.A.)
Posts: 950
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Bismillaah Al-Hamdulillaah wa salatu wa salaamu 'ala rasulullaah  
Amma ba'd

Regarding the Prophet's (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) Guidance in Visiting the Sick, by Ibnul Qayyim al-Jawziyyah (rahimahullaah)

He (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) used to visit those of his companions (radiallaahu 'anhum) who were sick; and he visited a boy who used to serve him from among the People of the Scripture[1], and he visited his uncle who was a polytheist[2], and he invited them both to Islam, and the Jew accepted Islam.  

He (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) would come close to the sick person, and sit at his head, and ask him how he was; and he would stroke the sick person with his right hand and say:
Allaahumma Rabban-Nas! Adhhibil-Basa Washfi; Antash-Shafi, La Shifa' Illa Shifa'uka, Shifa'un La Yughadiru Saqman {which means "Oh Allaah, Lord of the people, take away the disease and cure him; You are the One Who cures and there is no cure except Your Cure - a cure that leaves no disease."}[3]

And he (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) used to supplicate for the sick person three times, as when he said (which means): "Oh Allaah! Cure Sa'd" three times." [4]

And when he (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) visited a sick person, he would say:
La Ba'sa Tahurun, In sha` Allaah {which means "Don't worry, you will be purified [of your sins] if Allaah wills." [5]

And sometimes, he might say:
Kaffaratun Wa Tahur {which means, "Expiation and purification."}

And he (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) used to make incantations (Ruqyah) if someone was afflicted by ulcer, injury or some other complaint. He would place his forefinger on the ground and then he would say:
Bismillaahi, Turbatu Ardina Bireeqati Ba'dina, Yushfa Saqeemuna Bi Idhni Rabbina {which means, "In the name of Allaah, the dust of our earth, and the saliva of some of us cure our patient with the permission of our Lord."}
(This is in the 'Saheehayn' and it negates the wording of the Hadeeth regarding the seventy thousand, in which it is said: "They do not perform Ruqyah" - for this is a mistake on the behalf of the narrator.

And it was not a part of his guidance to reserve a special day for visiting the sick or any special time. Indeed, he (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) legislated visiting the sick for his people day and night. He would visit persons suffering from eye disease and other complaints and, sometimes, he would place his hand on the sick person's forehead, then he would wipe over his chest and his stomach and say:
Allaahumma ashfih {which means, "Oh Allaah! Cure him"}, and he would wipe over his face as well.
If he felt that the disease was terminal, he would say:
Inna Lillahi wa Inna Ilaihi Raji'un {which means, "Verily, we belong to Allaah and to Allaah we shall return."}

[1] Narrated by Al-Bukhari, on the authority of Anas bin Malik (radiallaahu 'anhu)  

[2] Narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim

[3] Narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim

[4] Narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim

[5] Narrated by Al-Bukhari, on the authority of Ibn 'Abbas (radiallaahu 'anhumma)  

Source: Mukhtasar Zad Al-Ma'ad; Chapter Regarding His (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) Guidance in Visiting the Sick

Subhanak Allaahuma wa bihamdika ash-hadu anlaa illaaha illa anta astaghfiruka wa atubu ilayk  

If I said anything correct, then it is from Allaah (subhanahu wa taa'ala), and if I erred, then that is from me and shaytan.

02-03-2010 @ 7:52 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Damilola Sadiq ibn Owodunni (Lagos, Nigeria || Eastern Province, KSA)
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Regarding this:
... the obligation of sending the salaah upon the Prophet (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) in the last tashahhud; and without it, the salat is incorrect.]

Some may unsure whether the tashahhud of the Fajr prayer is included in this ruling i.e. whether the Fajr prayer would be invalid for the one who doesn't send salaah upon the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم in the sitting for tashahhud of the 2nd rak'ah of Fajr - it would be good if one of the brothers could clarify this issue from the statements of the scholars.

بارك الله فيكم

سبحان الذي لا يشكر إلا بنعمة أخرى

22-12-2010 @ 12:17 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Zayd Abu Ubayd (Peqin,Albania)
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"Imaam Maalik (rahimahullaah) said:

"The Sunnah is like Noah's Ark. Whoever embarks upon it reaches salvation and whoever refuses is drowned"

Reported by Shaikhul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah in Majmoo ul-Fataawaa (4/57)

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