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04-11-2008 @ 7:20 AM    Notify Admin about this post
. Abdulilah Rabah Lahmami (Al Madeenah, S. Arabia)
Posts: 327
Joined: Sep 2002
The Qur'an is a Cure
Compiled and translated by
Abdulilah Lahmami

Allaah said that his Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) said,

"And He feeds me and quenches my thirst And when I fall sick then He (Allaah) cures me." [Soorah Shu'araa: 80]

Some scholars of Tafseer explain that there is a relation between what we eat and drink and falling sick since most people fall ill because of their diet. This could be a reason why Allaah mentioned that Ibrahim (peace be upon him) recognized that Allaah is the One who provides sustenance for us but that sickness is due to our own self and this is why sickness is mentioned after food and drink in this Verse.
"And We sent down of the Qur'an that which is a healing and a mercy to those who believe." [Soorah Israa: 82]
A healing to 'those who believe" showing the importance of rectifying our belief and actions such that we are true believers if we want the Qur'an to benefit us.
Ayub (peace be upon him) called upon his Lord, "And remember Ayub when he cried to his Lord: Verily, distress has seized me, and You are the Most Merciful of all those who show mercy." [Soorah al-Anbiyaa: 83] When he was inflicted with harm.
And the reply came from his lord:
"We answered him and removed the distress that was on himýK" [Soorah al-Anbiyaa: 84]
"O mankind! There has come to you a good advice from your Lord (Qur'an) enjoining all that is good and forbidding all that is evil, and a healing for that which is in your breasts, a guidance and a mercy for the believers." [Soorah Yunus: 57]
This shows us that the Qur'an has four benefits:
A good advice
Cure for our hearts from all diseases
Mercy for mankind

"Say: it (the Qur'an) is a healing for those who believe, a guide and healingýK" [Soorah Fusilaat: 44]

The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: ýýThere is no-one who is afflicted by distress and grief, and says: ýýAllaahumma inni ýýabduka ibn ýýabdika ibn amatika naasiyati bi yadika, maada fi hukmika, ýýadlun fiy qadaaýýika. Asýýaluka bi kulli ismin huwa laka sammayta bihi nafsaka aw anzaltahu fi kitaabika aw ýýallamtahu ahadan min khalqika aw istaýýtharta bihi fi ýýilm il-ghayb ýýindaka an tajýýal al-Qurýýaana rabeeýý qalbi wa noor sadri wa jalaaýý huzni wa dhihaab hammi (O Allaah, I am Your slave, son of Your male and female slave, my forelock is in Your hand, Your command over me is forever executed and Your decree over me is just. I ask You by every name belonging to You which You have named Yourself with, or revealed in Your Book, or You taught to any of Your creation, or You have preserved in the knowledge of the Unseen with You, that You make the Qurýýan the harvest of my heart and the light of my chest, and a departure for my sorrow and a release for my anxiety),ýý but Allaah will take away his distress and grief, and replace it with joy.ýý He was asked: ýýO Messenger of Allaah, should we learn this?ýý He said: ýýOf course; everyone who hears it should learn it.ýý
"And if Allaah tests you with affliction, there is none who can remove it but HeýK" [Soorah Yunus: 107]
"And He will give you victory over them and heal the breasts of a believing people." [Soorah Tawbah: 14]

When you sleep read ayat al-Kursi
Abu Hurairah reported  that the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, "When you are about to sleep recite Ayatul Kursi till the end of the Verse for there will remain for you a protection from Allaah and no devil will draw to you until morning." [Saheeh al-Bukhaaree]

The last two Verses of Soorah al-Baqara
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) also said, whoever recites the last two Verses of Soorah al-Baqara at night, those two Verses shall be sufficient for him." [Saheeh al-Bukhaarree and Saheeh Muslim]

The last three chapter of the Qur'an
When retiring to his bed every night, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) would hold his palms together, blow into them, recite the last three chapters of the Qur'an and then wipe his entire body as much as possible with his hands, beginning with the head and face and then all parts of the body, he would do this three times." [Saheeh al-Bukhaaree and Muslim]

Soorah al-Falaq and Soorah Naas
Aisha said "when someone fell ill from the Prophet's family he did 'nafath' on them (to blow three times over them reciting the two chapters of seeking refuge -Soorah al-Falaq and Soorah Naas). When he himself fell ill, the illness which lead to his deathýK I would (similarly) do 'nafath' on him and would wipe him with his own hands for it was more blessed that my hands. [Saheeh Muslim]
We turn to Allaah in distress
Allaah said regarding Dhun Nun when called upon Allaah to remove his distress and Allaah replied,
"We answered his call and delivered him from the distress. And thus We do deliver the believers." [Soorah anbiyaa: 87,88]
We turn to Allaah when people try to harm us
"And you will remember what I am telling you, and I leave my affair with Allaah, verily Allaah is ever watchful over His slaves." [Soorah Ghaafir: 44]
And after it Allaah said:
"So Allaah saved him from the evils that they plotted (against him), while an evil torment encompassed Fir'aun's people." [Soorah Ghaafir: 45]

Soorah Faatihah is a cure
It is also a cure when read over the sick. They are cured by the permission of Allaah because the Prophet ýý said to Abu Sa'eed al-Khudri (may Allaah be pleased with him) after he read it over a person who had been bitten by a scorpion and was cured, ýýHow did you come to know that it is a cure?ýý  

There is a new book which was a lecture by sheikh Rabee' on Ruqya. Mashaallaah the sheikh clearly shows that it is not correct for someone to put themselves forward in taking money to perform Ruqya on others if however they are given something then that is in line with the narration of Abu Sa'eed al-Khudri radiallaahu 'anhu as mentioned earlier. Nowadays he says people are making it into a business and competing with eachother to see who can make the most money by charging others for their ruqya. Sheikh Rabee' explained that the people Abu Sa'eed did ruqya for gave them sheep in return for being cured but nowadays these people who put themselves forward ask for money beforehand whether the person is cured or not! At the end of the book the sheikh discusses the importance of being well-mannered and having brotherhood. A nice read mashaallaah.

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04-01-2011 @ 11:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Zayd Abu Ubayd (Peqin,Albania)
Posts: 795
Joined: Oct 2008
Reciting Surah Al-Ikhlas, Al-Mu`awwidhatayn, and Al-Fatihah as a cure for illness

Fatwa no. 446 :
Q: Is it lawful or not to recite Surah Al-Ikhlas, Al- Muýawwidhatayn (Surahs Al-Falaq and Al-Nas) and Al-Fatihah for the purpose of seeking healing? Did the Messenger (peace be upon him) or the Salaf (righteous predecessors) do so? Please, enlighten us.

A: Reciting Surah Al-Ikhlas, Muýawwidhatayn, Al-Fatihah and other Surahs is regarded as a permissible Ruqyah (reciting Qurýan and saying supplications over the sick seeking healing) which the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) legislated by performing it himself and approving it for his Sahabah (Companions). Al-Bukhari and Muslim narrated in their two Sahih (authentic) Books of Hadith on the authority of Maýmar from Al-Zuhry from ýUrwah that ýAisha (may Allah be pleased with her) said:

    In his last illness, the Prophet (peace be upon him) used to blow breath (into his cupped hands) and recite Al-Muýawwidhatayn (Surahs Al-Falaq and Al-Nas) and then wipe over his body. But when his illness aggravated, I used to recite them over him and pass his own hand over his body for its blessing.

Maýmar asked Al-Zuhry ýHow did he use to blow breath?ý He said,

    ýHe used blow into his hands and then pass them over his face.ý

Al-Bukhari narrated on the authority of Abu Saýid Al-Khudry (may Allah be pleased with him): Some of the Sahabah of the Prophet (peace be upon him) came across one of the Arab tribes, but they refused to extend to them hospitality. Then the leader of that tribe was stung, so they asked (the Sahabah), ýDo you have any remedy or someone who can recite supplications over the sick as a cure?ý They said, ýYou refused to offer us hospitality, so we will not do anything until you give us something in return.ý And they agreed on a flock of sheep, so one of them (the Sahabah) started reciting Umm Al-Qurýan (Surah Al-Fatihah); gathering his saliva and spitting on it (the snake-bite), and the man got cured. Then they brought the sheep, but they (the Sahabah) said, ýWe will not take them until we ask the Prophet (whether it is lawful).ý When they asked him, he smiled and said, ýHow do you know that it (Surah Al-Fatihah) is a Ruqyah? Take them (the sheep) and assign a share for me.ý

The first Hadith indicates that the Prophet (peace be upon him) did recite Al-Muýawwidhatayn over himself during his illness, while the second shows his approval of his Sahabahýs recitation of Al-Fatihah as Ruqyah.

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