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» Which life to Pursue?
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15-10-2008 @ 10:09 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
Posts: 2031
Joined: Jul 2005
It is reported that Al-Hasan Al-Basrı often used to say, ıO youth! Seek the hereafter, for we often see people pursuing the hereafter and finding it as well as the dunyı (worldly wellbeing), but we have never seen anyone pursue the dunyı and gain the hereafter as well as the dunyı.ı

Al-Bayhaqı, Al-Zuhd Al-Kabır, article 12.

It is reported that ıUmar b. ıAbd Al-ıAzız once wrote to Al-Hasan Al-Basrı to get a brief exhortation from him, so Al-Hasan wrote back , ıThe dunyı distracts and preoccupies the heart and body, but al-zuhd (asceticism, not giving importance to worldly things) gives rest to the heart and body. Verily, Allıh will ask us about the halıl things we enjoyed, so what about the harım!ı

Al-Bayhaqı, Al-Zuhd Al-Kabır, article 26.

Translated by Brother Abu Abdillaah Owais Al-Hıshimı hafithahullaah on his blog

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