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» Guard your Tongue even from the Innovator
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Posted By Topic: Guard your Tongue even from the Innovator

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20-02-2010 @ 1:00 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Zayd Abu Ubayd (Peqin,Albania)
Posts: 795
Joined: Oct 2008

Is it permissible for us to insult those whom the scholars have insulted?

هل يجوز لنا أن نسب من سبه أهل العلم؟

Read the answer:

23-02-2010 @ 8:34 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Mu-aawiyah Abdullah bin AbuBakr Al (UK)
Posts: 379
Joined: Nov 2003

Shaikh Saaleh Al Fawzaan:

Tale Carrying; And The Danger Of The One Who Carries Tales And Hastens To Destroy The Relationship Between The Students Of Knowledge

Tale carrying is to transmit speech between the people with the intent of destroying their relationships.  Allaah (The Most High) said:

'And obey not everyone who swears much, and is considered worthless, a slanderer, going about with calumnies' [Surah Qalam; Ayah:10-11]

And the severest of all of that is the one who hastens to destroy the relationship between the students of knowledge and the callers to Islaam; and in order to divide the Jamaażah of the Muslims and incite hatred between them.  The one who does this is a nammaam (a tale carrier).  

Indeed, Allaah (The Most High) has made it impermissible to follow and believe such a person even if he swears by Allaah, as Allaah said:

'And obey not everyone who swears much, and is considered worthless, a slanderer, going about with calumnies' [Surah Qalam; Ayah:10-11]

The Prophet (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam) said:

'The tale carrier will not enter paradise'

And it is reported in a narration that the tale carrier causes more corruption in an hour than a magician can cause in a year.

Tale carrying is of magic, because the magician corrupts the relationship between the people and causes enmity between them, as Allaah (The Most High) said:

'And from these (angels) people learn that by which they cause separation between man and his wife' [Baqarah; Ayah:102]

They learnt magic and magic causes splitting of the hearts and enmity.  Likewise, tale carrying is more severe than magic; perhaps wars may occur due to the Tale Carrier; and perhaps the Muslims may split and show enmity to one another due to the Tale Carrier; neighbours may boycott one another and one's household may show enmity to one another and split due to a Tale Carrier.

Therefore, we must fear Allaah (Azza-Wa-Jal) and be mindful of the Tale Carrier [1] end of quote

[1]Source: At-ta-thab-but Fil-Akhbaar Wahtiraam Al-Ulamaa Wabayaan Makaanatihim Fil Ummah; page: 34-36]

30-05-2010 @ 8:06 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Zayd Abu Ubayd (Peqin,Albania)
Posts: 795
Joined: Oct 2008
Abdullah RadiAllaahu anhu said Labbayk while on the mount of Safa.
Then he said: O tongue! Say good so you can benefit and remain silent so you are safe before you fall into regret.
They said: O Abu AbdurRahman! Is this something you yourself say or did you hear it?
He said: No, rather I heard the Messenger of Allaah -sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam- say: Most of the mistakes of the son of Adam are due to his tongue.

On the authority of Shaqeeq.
Translated by: Abbas Abu Yahya
Shaykh Muhammad Nasir ud-Deen al-Albaani
Silsilah Ahadeeth As-Saheehah - No.534

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