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11-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 60
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al-Hamdu-Lillaahi Rabbil-'Aalameen was-Salaatu was-Salaamu 'alaa Ashrafil-Anbiyaa.e wal-Mursaleen, wa ba'd:


As salaamu alaikum warahmatullah

Could some one possibly refer me to an article on politics and islam, democracy and any related topics.

Jazakamullahu khairan

wa salaam alaikum warahmatullah

Al-An'am (6):54
When those who believe in Our Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) come to you, say: "Salâmun 'Alaikum" (peace be on you); your Lord has written Mercy for Himself, so that, if any of you does evil in ignorance, and thereafter repents and does righteous good deeds (by obeying Allâh), then surely, He is Oft­Forgiving, Most Merciful. (Al-An'am 6:54)

11-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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shahid williams

12-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 297
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i forgot to give you your rights, even though there is the daleel as plain as day at the bottom of your post:

wa 'alaykum us-salaam, wa rahmatullaahi, wa barakaatuh

shahid williams

12-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 60
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barakAllahu feek for giving me my rights!

Brother Shahid. I have read all three articles, alhumdullilah do give some insight but there is primarily one question which I still need further elaboration on, inshaAllah. It is with regards to elections, why this process is not correct, could you or some one else please refer me to any article which covers this topic. Here is an argument I was posed with in favour of elections a while back "everyone can vote and chose a leader and this is much better than early times"???

Wa alaikum us salaam warahmatullah

Hashr 59:10
"And those who came after them say: "Our Lord! Forgive us and our brethren who came before us into the Faith and leave not in our hearts rancor (or sense of injury) against those who have believed our Lord! Thou art indeed Full of Kindness Most Merciful."

12-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 182
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Assalaamu `Alaykum Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Barakaatuhu

Akhee al-Kareem, `AbdulBaasit. I have briefly summarised selected chapter headings from the excellent and amazing book by the Noble Shaykh Muhammad bin `Abdullah al-Imaam from Yemen, entitled, "Tanweer udh-Dhulumaat Bi Kashf Mafaasid Wa Shubuhaat al-Intikhaabaat" (Illumination of the Darknesses By Unveiling the Harms and Doubts of Elections).

Mafaasid (Harms)

1. Setting up Partners with Allaah: Elections enter into Shirk of Obedience, since they are a part of democracy, and democracy gives the right of rule to the people. [Note takfeer is not made of those who enter into them, unless they believe the correctness of this way. But some of the Innovators consider this a means that can be adopted, and they have doubts in this regard (see later below)]

2. Suspecting the Sharee'ah of being deficient

3. Wasting the principle of loyalty and disownment (i.e. by agreeing to cooperate with others who maybe astray, or innovators, or even kuffaar)

4. Submitting to secular statutes, constitutions

5. Causing doubt and confusion over the Muslims

6. Elections only serve the Jews and Christians

7. It is a forbidden means

8. It destroys the unity of the Muslims

9. It destroys the Islamic Brotherhood

10. It creates despised partisanship

11. It aids partisanship and bigotry

12. Using wealth for other than Sharee'ah objectives

13. The Candidate only strives to please the voters

14. The Candidate is put to trial by wealth

15. Being concerned with quantity (of followers) not quantity

16. Being concerned with reaching the top without look at the corruption aqeedah

17. Using the Sharee'ah texts out of place

18. The Candidate's acceptance of legislative conditions (that may oppose the Sharee'ah)

19. The tribulation of women in elections

20. Encourageming the people to be present in the gatherings of falsehood

21. Cooperation upon sin and oppression

22. Wasting efforts without any benefit

23. Empty promises

24. Mixed and confused alliances (with others)

[False] Shubuhaat (Doubts) Used by the Shurocrats

1. Their claim that Democracy, generally speaking agrees with Islaam [Shurocracy?!!!]

2. Their claim that elections were at the beginning of Islaam

3. Their claim of the permissibility of taking a small part of the Jaahili organisational arrangement (nidhaam)

4. Their claim that elections are a matter of Ijtihaad

5. Their claim that elections are from the affairs of public interest (al-masaalih al-mursalah)

6. Their claim "We have entered into elections, desiring nothing but good"

7. Their claim "We have entered into Islaam in order to establish an Islamic State"

8. Their claim that establishing the Islamic State occurs in gradual changes

9. Their claim that they will turn away from (i.e. change) the secular constitution to an Islamic constitution

10. Their claim that they do not wish to leave the room open for the enemies

11. Their claim that they are compelled and forced to enter elections and parliaments

12. Their claim that they have entered them dut to necessity

13. Their claim that they have entered into elections as it is the lesser of two evils

14. Their claim that those who are given verdict for the permissibility or legality of elections are Noble Scholars

Important Note

One of the main proponents of this manhaj is `Abdur-Rahmaan `Abdul-Khaaliq whom Shaykh Muqbil (rahimahullaah) aptly described as "Salaftee" (the first half for "Salafee" and second half for "Democratee"). And Shaykh al-Albaani (rahimahullaah) also aptly noted
"Allaahul-musta'aan. This is a state that is very distressing, and this further affirms what I have just said - that those who take on the leadership of the Muslim youth today are themselves from the youth and those who have not equipped themselves with this knowledge. It is correct that al-Albaanee declares narrations authentic and weak etc., but he does not live on Mars. So he knows the circumstances in which the Muslims live, but he adheres to the Sharee'ah rulings and he does not hold that there is any way for a Muslim to say, 'The goal justifies the means,' and if 'Abdur-Rahmaan were to be asked, and he was a student of mine in the Islamic University, if he were asked or if I had the opportunity to meet him, 'Do you say that the goal justifies the means?' Then he would say, 'No,' because this is a principle of kufr. But if we direct his attention to the fact that he acts in accordance with it, and his life, and what he declares permissible, and that which he clearly states to be permissible from some of the forbidden things, then this is implementation of this principle which is such that no Muslim can consent to it. So he must reject it. But we say, 'What is the benefit of saying one thing and doing something else?'

And this is in reference to some of the affairs arising from `Abdur-Rahmaan `Abdul-Khaaliq, who on the one hand champions "Tawheed al-Haakimiyyah" and on the other hand calls for the necessity of working and entering into parliaments, using the veil of "collective work".

And this also shows the great deception often played out by many of those who quote from `Abdur-Rahmaan `Abdul-Khaaliq and his speech concerning Haakimiyyah, and at the same time, they do not see what this man has entered into of methodologies, which according to himself is a principle of kufr (i.e. democracy).

The Shaykh (Muhammad al-Imaam, author of the above book) also explains and refutes the argument of the Shurocrats who claim that the major scholars spoke about the permissibility of elections. So he explains that the Scholars give answers according to the situations presented to them, and the way they are presented. And the Shaykh says that these people come with great deception and they say, "O Shaykh we have elections coming and we can establish the Sharee'ah by way of them, and we cannot do this except by the elections and also we can stop the secularists and communists through them". And they do not explain to the Shaykhs all the associated harms that would be part and parcel of entry into elections. So based upon this some of the Shaykhs, based upon what they have been told, allow those people, in those situations to enter. And the Shaykh also explains that what if these Shaykhs then said they were forbidden and came to know of all of the evils and harms of elections, what would the Hizbiyyoon do then?

Finally, here is a statement of Shaykh al-Albaanee (rahimahullaah) concerning political work and entering into parliaments that was quoted in the book "Madaarik un-Nadhar":
When asked about this allowance of entry into elections (which was actually only a restricted and one-off allowance for the Algerians, due to what they portrayed to him). He was asked, "We have heard that you said - O Shaykh - that it is permissible to enter into parliamentary elections, but with conditions?!"

Shaykh al-Albaanee replied, "No it is not permissible. These conditions - when they are any - are purely theoretical and speculative, and not knowledge-based. So do you remember my conditions that I stated?"

The questioner said, "The first is that a person should protect his own self (i.e. protect his religion)". The Shaykh asked, "And is this possible?" The questioner replied, "I have never exercised this (so I do not know)". The Shaikh said, "And if Allaah wills you will not exercise this! It is not possible to meet these conditions. And we observe many of the people who at the beginning of their lives - we could see from their appearance, from their clothes, from their beards - and then when they entered the Parliament, then their appearance changed! And following that they began to justify it? And likewise we would see people entering the Parliament with Islamic Arabic clothing and then after a few days they changed their clothing!! So is this an evidence of corruption or of rectification?!"

They questioner said, "Shaykh, I mean the brothers in Algeria, and their work there and their entry into the Political arena?" The Shaykh replied, "We do not advise this! We do not advise political work these days in any of the Islamic countries?" "Silsilah al-Hudaa wan-Noor" (1/352)


This message was edited by abu.iyaad on 12-12-02 @ 9:31 PM

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