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» Women removing hair from their legs and face.
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09-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Q. What is the ruling in islaam for women removing hair from their face and i mean by that the place of the moustache or is it included in (the prohibition) of plucking (the hair), if the hair is apparent or moderate is it permissible to remove it amd likewise the arms and legs?

A. There is nothing wrong with the women removing the hair from her moustache, thighs, legs and arms and this is not from the plucking which has been prohibited.

Fatwa 6093 from the Lajnah Daa'imah 5/194. When Ibn Baaz was the Mufti.

21-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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As-Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullaah:

Bismillaah Was-Salaatu Was-Sallam 'Alaa Rasoolullaah, Wa Ba'd,

I would just like to add that The Muhaddith Al-Allaamah Al-Albaanee did hold the position that it is impermissible (Haraam) to remove hair from the body except in the places where the shar'iah allowed it.

And I would like to briefly show the other Position regarding this Issue.

This Issue revolves around the meaning of the word Nams wa Naamisah so this is a matter of Ikhtilaaf between The people of knowledge.

So Shaykh (Al-Albaanee) included in the word Nams (As mentioned in the Hadeeth in Bukhaaree) all the hair on the body and not just the Haajibain (eyebrows) as Shaykh Abdul-Azeez Ibn Baaz and Others did.

The majority of the scholars of the Arabic language have stated in their books that Nams is the facial hair and it is not restricted to the eyebrows alone!

This is what I found in Fathul Baaree of Ibn Hajr Al-Asqalaanee and al-Bidaayah wan-Nihaayah Fee Ghareeb al-Hadeeth of Ibnul-Atheer who is an Authority in the language & other than them.

This is why some of the people of knowledge have used this Hadeeth mentioning Nams and Mutanaamisah for prohibiting a man from shaving his beard. And they further say that it is not restricted to women alone, the only reason it mentions women is because they are the most inclined to do this.

The Scholars that restrict this word Nams to just mean Haajibain they use as evidence the famous Narration from Abdullaah Ibn Mas?ood in which he saw a woman plucking her eyebrows and said Allaah Curses those who commit nams and those who have it done!

However this is not an evidence because this act that the woman committed is included in the prohibition of Nams. Plucking the eyebrows is a form of nams just as removing hair from any part of the face, because the eyebrows are part of the face.

So the origin is that the word Nams linguisticly according to the scholars of the language (i.e. Ibnul-Atheer) means the face so the act that the woman in the above narration did is in fact Nams because the eyebrows are part of the face.

Example The Verse in 4:119 Allaah Says : ?Cutting the ears of cattle Thereby Changing the Creation of Allaah?

What is mentioned in the Ayah is the Clipping the ears of Cattle, Now can we say that this is the only way to change Allaah?s Creation on a cattle?  The answer is definitely NO. Because that is just one example of Changing Allaah?s creation because cutting the tail is also a form of changing Allaah?s creation. So one example has been shown because it is the most commonly done.

So as for the statement that the eyebrows are mentioned in the narration of Ibn Mas?ood so that is the only meaning for Nams then reflect on the above ayaah.

A third opinion: Some scholars say that it is forbidden to remove any hair on the body except for what we have been allowed to remove according to the texts of The Book & The Sunnah.

For instance Imaam At-Tabaree said according to Ibn Hajr in Fathul-Baaree, that Nams is also including any part of the body for it is a form of beautification. Again this is also the view of the Late Muhaddithul-Asr Muhammad Naasirud-Deen Al-Albaanee (Raheemahullaah) this is found in his book Adaabuz-Zufaaf (etiquettes of weddings)page 202 where he quotes from the scholars and the meaning they gave for the word Nams.

This above last opinion has many details and it states that the prohibition is general ?Allaah?s curse is on Those Who Change The Creation of Allah?. Aw Kama Qaalaa Rasoolullaahhi Sallallaahu Alaihi Was-Sallam. And the Messenger of Allaah only mentioned in the hadeeth the things that are commonly done by people to become beautiful at the Expense of  changing the creation of Allaah. So He Mentioned the Nams, Filing teeth, Tattooing, Adding false Hair, And then he said and others like them who change the creation of Allaah for the Purpose of Beautification. Hadeeth in Bukhaaree vol 10, 306, 310, 311, 312. Also Allaah, His Messenger Sallallaahu Alaihi Was-Sallam and the Sahaabah are telling us what to remove from our bodies like the mustache, the beard (After a fistful), the hair on our head, the armpit hair, the privates, Circumcision, clipping the nails, etc, Meaning that the general rule is that everything is prohibited and the only the mentioned places are allowed to be removed. this is based on the generality of the hadeeth "Allaah Curses those who change the creation of Allaah". This statement is general and thus prohibit any change unless it is legislated by the shari'ah.
Another Related Issue:

Can a woman remove any hair from her face?, Because some women may have some hair on their face which seems to liken her to a man?

The answer to this is And Allaah Knows best is That the way Allaah created you is beautiful & ?let there be no change in Allaah?s Creation? It has been prohibited by the messenger of Allaah (Sallallaahu Alaihi Was-Sallam)to remove Facial Hair according to the correct meaning of the word Nams By the Scholars of the Language, So to say she is Imitating a man by the Hadeeth ?Allaah curses a man who resembles a woman and Vice Versa? then this is not correct since Imitating is by the individual who makes himself or herself resemble the opposite sex. As for the one who is born with certain features then this is not permissible to change  since Allaah?s Curse is on those who Change Allaah?s Creation.

For Instance the the Hadeeth of the woman who did not have hair on her head and she came to the prophet (Sallallaahu Alaihi Was-Sallam) and said can I add hair to my head He (Sallallaahu Alaihi Was-Sallam) Said No and he mentioned the hadeeth of Cursing those who add hair. So this woman you can say she resembled a man because no doubt the attribute of a woman is to have long hair and this is why the Prophet forbade a woman from shaving her head in another Hadeeth, However in this instance He said NO! because of Allaah?s Curse is on the ones who change the Creation of Allaah.

So the woman is not cursed when they are born a certain way that may resemble a man to some extent but rather the person is cursed when they do it Intentionally ?for the Purpose of Beautification.?. Or ?To resemble the Opposite Sex?.

This is what Allaah has made easy for me to write on this subject, since I have little time available at the moment.

I reccomend the book Adaabuz-Zufaaf page # 202, As-Saheehah #2792 & Ghayaatul Maraam #97 Of Shaykh Al-Albaanee.

I ask Allaah that He guides You & I to that which Pleases Him Subhanahu Wa Ta?alaa

Your Brother In Islaam,

Ibrahim Al-Koobee

إبراهيم الكوبي الأثري ابو إسماعيل
Ibrahim Al-Koobee Al-Atharee

This message was edited by alkoobee on 10-2-02 @ 1:30 AM

21-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 39
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Salaamu aleyk

djazaq Allaahu gheyran for this extensive reply to the fatwah that was first shared with us.

i have a question however, forgive me my ignorance, i have heard of a hadeeth that narrated about a woman coming to the prophet sallaallaahu aleyhi wa salaam and asking if it was permissible for her to remove the hair from her forehead to beautify herself and please her husband with her beauty through it. she was given permission to do this by the prophet sallaallaahu aleyhi wa salaam.

forgive me the fact that i can not give you the source of this hadeeth nor if it is saheeh or da'eef, but i know it is a known hadeeth so i guess someone will know better than me insha Allaah.

maybe you can inform on how this hadeeth fits in with the reply given to the shared fatwah.

djazaq Allaahu gheyran


Subhanaka 'allahumma wa bihamdika
'ash hadu 'alla 'ilaha  'illa 'anta '
astaghfiruka wa 'atubu 'ilayka

21-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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As-Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullaah:

I am not aware of a narration like the one you mentioned, However I am aware of a similar narration and perhaps it is the same one.

Imaam At-Tabari Reported A Narration From the wife of Abu Ishaaq she asked 'Aishah "What if a woman removes the hair from her forehead to please her husband?" 'Aishah replied: "Remove what is harmful from yourself whenever you can."

This Narration cannot be used as an evidence because the wife of Abu Ishaaq is Majhool (unknown)therefore the narration is Da'eef (weak).

And Al-Albaanee Called it Da'eef in Ghayaatul-Maraam Fee Takhreej Al-Halaal Wal-Haraam #96.

Wallaahu 'Aalim,

إبراهيم الكوبي الأثري ابو إسماعيل
Ibrahim Al-Koobee Al-Atharee

05-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Bismillahier Arachmanier Arahiem

Salaam Alaekum Wa Rachmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu
Insha Allaah I would like to know if it's permissible for a woman to remove little hairs on the chin and the neck?, please can someone verify with proofs.

Jazakalahu khayrun

Walaekum Asalaam Wa Rachmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu

01-11-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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As Salaamu alaikum wa Rahmatullaah wa Barkaatuh

After reading Shaikh Albaani's opinion regarding the facial hair of the woman is nams and to remove any of the facial hair is prohibited. What is a woman to do when she has a mass of hair on her chin and neck due to many years of removing it and it has become thick and quite noticeable.  For example, she removes her niqaab and the first thing you might notice about her is a luhyah or goatee.  Also, a good many older sisters shave the chin area as I noticed with some that you see a shadow!  So, I guess what I want to know is this a clear fatwa concerning this matter or is there ikhtilaaf and it remains unclear and therefore Allaah ta'alaa won't punish a sincere believer who finds difficulty in resembling a man.
Barakallaahu feekum.
Was Salaams.

01-11-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Removing the Uncommon Hairs From Face
Is it allowed for a woman to remove or lighten the hairs of her eyebrows if they appear in a disfigured manner?

This question has two aspects to it. The first is if that is done by plucking out those hairs. That is forbidden. Indeed, it is a great sin. It is an act whose performer the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) cursed. Second is to have the hair trimmed or clipped. On this point there is a difference of opinion among the scholars. Is this also a kind of removing the eyebrows or not? It is best to avoid that act and for the woman not to do it. As for the hair that is uncommon or unusual for women to have, such as what grows on part of the face wherein women usually do not have hair growth, such as a woman having a mustache or cheek hair growth, there is no harm in removing that kind of hair. This is because it goes against what is normal and is a kind of disfigurement of the woman. As for eyebrows, it is normal for them to be either very thin or very thick and wide. Both of these are normal. If something is normal, it should be opposed because the people will not view it as a blemish. In fact, they may consider its non-existence or its existence as a thing of beauty. Therefore, it is not a type of blemish that calls for removal. - Shaikh ibn Uthaimin (rahimahullah)

Aboo Shaahir as-Salafee

01-11-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Women Removing Hairs
Removing pubic and underarm hairs is Sunnah. It is best to pluck the armpit hairs and shave the pubic hairs. But, there is no harm if they are removed by different means. There is no harm in the woman removing her leg and arm hairs. Removing eyebrow hairs at the request of the husband is not allowed. The Messenger of Allah (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) cursed the one who does the removing and the one who has it done. This is in reference to the one who has eyebrow hairs removed. - Shaikh ibn Baz (rahimahullaah)

Narrated Aisha (radiyallaahu 'anhaa):

"The Messenger of Allah (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) said: 'Ten are the acts according to fitrah: clipping the moustache,letting the beard grow, using the tooth-stick, snuffing up water in the nose, cutting the nails, washing the finger joints, plucking the hair under the armpits, shaving the pubes, and cleaning one's private parts with water.' The narrator said: 'I have forgotten the tenth, but it may have been rinsing the mouth.'" (Sahih Muslim)

Aboo Shaahir as-Salafee

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