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» shoes as a sutra?
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06-11-2008 @ 2:30 PM    Notify Admin about this post
abu naimah Shamsuddin ibn Harold Simmons (rochester, ny, USA)
Posts: 28
Joined: Aug 2006
salamu alaikum wa rahmatullah;

I recently saw a fatwa attributed to Shaikh Ibn Uthaymeen permitting the use of shoes as a sutra, where as the Hadith establish a particular height to a legal sutra. Does anyone have any additional information on the evidences for "using shoes as a sutra" or the reasoning behind such a fatwa? Reportedly from Liqaa'aat al-Baab al-Maftooh [3/522].

Abu Nurani Shamsuddin

06-11-2008 @ 8:10 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Umm Muhammad Jameelah Iman Muhammad bint Vasquez (North America)
Posts: 47
Joined: Aug 2007

As Salaamu 'Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakaatuh

The Fatwa you spoke of....

Using Shoes as a Sutrah

What is the ruling upon using shoes as a sutrah?


There is no problem, except if there is something apparent upon them from impurities or harm, then do not use them as a sutrah, because the Prophet sallAllaahu ýalayhi wa sallam forbade that the worshipper to spit in front of himself.[1] but if there is nothing apparent by way of (najasah) impurities, then there is no problem that you take (them as a) sutrah.

[1] Reported by al-Bukhaari (nos. 504,406) in the Book of Prayer. And Muslim (no. 547) in the Book of Masaajid.

Shaykh Muhammad bin Saalih al-`Uthaymeen  
Liqaa'atul-baabil Maftooh, DARUL BASEERAH, vol.3, p.522.  
Translated by Abu Maryam Taariq bin 'Ali

Something more from Shaykh Uthaymeen on the Sutrah........

General Issues Pertaining to the Prayer
   Questions and Answers on the Sutrah
Author: Shaikh Ibn Uthaymeen
Source: Translated by `Umar al-Trinidadi
Article ID : IBD050009  


Q1 : What is a Sutrah?

A : Something used by a person performing Salaah (as a barrier) between himself and one passing in-front-of him.

Q2 : What is its ruling?

A : It is compulsory, and whoever disregards it, has commited a sin. This is based on the saying of the Messenger Muhammad e,: "If any of you wish to perform Salaah, then he must perform it towards a Sutrah (ie:with a Sutrah in front of him) and draw close to it". [Aboo Daawood and Ibn Maajah..among others]

And his saying: "Do not perform Salaah except that there is a Sutrah in front of you". (Muslim)

And his saying: "If any of you wish to perform Salaah, then let him place a Sutrah in front of him and draw close to it for indeed (shaytaan) the evil-one passes in front of him". [Ibn Khuzaymah]

And his saying: "Let any one of you place something similar to (the size of) the rear of a camel's saddle (in front of him), then perform Salaah". [Ibn Jaarood]

Q3 : Is it permissible to stay far away from it (the Sutrah)?

A : No! And whoever stays further than three forearms1 length away from it, has sinned and has placed his Salaah in a position to have it spoilt by shaytaan. This is evident from the hadeeth of the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) ,: "And let him draw close to it and don't let shaytaan break his Salaah." [Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, Ibn Khuzaymah Ibn Hibbaan, Al-Haakim, and others]

And the hadeeth: "And let him draw close to it for indeed shaytaan passes between him and it (the Sutrah)". [Ibn Hibbaan]

And the hadeeth: "And let him draw close to the Sutrah for indeed shaytaan passes in front of him". [Ibn Khuzaymah]

And the hadeeth: "There was, between the spot on which the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) performed Salaah and the wall, the distance of the path of one sheep". [Al-Bukhaaree and Muslim]

And in another hadeeth it states that: "When the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) entered the Ka'bah he put a distance of three forearms between himself and the wall then performed Salaah". [Al-Bukhaaree]

Q4 : What is the smallest size that the Sutrah can be?

A : It is the height of one forearm (*2) above the place of Salaah - that is the height of the rear end of a camel's saddle. As for it's width, there is no stipulated size. One can therefore use something even as thin as an arrow or a spear. It is not permissible, however, to take a Sutrah less than the height of the rear of a camel's saddle. If on the other hand, after some effort to find one, none is found, one may use whatever is available, whatever the size. This is taken from the Qur'aanic saying in surah At-Taghaabun verse 16:

"So keep your duty to Allaah (and fear Him) as much as you can..."

And from the hadeeth of the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) ,: "If I order you to do something then do as much of it as you are able to". [Muslim]

The Prophet Muhammad e also said: "If any of you places something like (the size of) the rear of a camel's saddle in front of him, then performs Salaah, then do not bother about whoever passes beyond that". [Muslim]

The Prophet Muhammad e was also asked during the battle of Tabook, about the Sutrah of a person performing Salaah, so he said: "Like the rear end of a camel's saddle". [Muslim]

He e also said: "If there is something like (the size) of the rear end of a camels' saddle between you and the pathway, then whoever passes in front of you would not harm you: (i.e. invalidate your Salaah)". [Ibn Abi Shaybah/Abdur-Razaak and others]

. . . . . . . and other hadeeths some of which are to come.

In addition the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) performed Salaah with a spear, or sometimes a bow in front of him. [as reported in Muslim]

It is not therefore the width of the Sutrah that is considered, as we previously mentioned.

Q5 : Is there any one exempted from placing a Sutrah in front-of him while making Salaah

A : Yes, only those performing Salaah behind an Imaam. We gather this from the fact that the Prophet Muhammad e when he led the Salaah, placed a Sutrah in front of him and no one performing Salaah behind him did so. [As has been mentioned in a number of hadeeths in both Al-Bukhaaree and Muslim]

Q6 : What are the different types of Sutrah?

A : Everything that is the height of one arm's length. As is evident from the saying of the Prophet Muhammad e,:
"Like (the size of) the rear end of a camel's saddle."

It has also been authentically reported on the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) that he performed Salaah with a wall in front of him, as well as a spear, a lance, a pole, a camel, a tree, a bed with a woman sleeping on it, and the wall of a room.
It is not permissible however, to perform Salaah with a grave in front of you. As is evident from the hadeeth in which the Prophet Muhammad e prevented such actions, he said: "Do not perform Salaah with graves in front of you, nor sit on them." [Muslim]

In addition, it is disliked to perform Salaah in front of that which distracts. For the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) said to `Aaishah:
"Remove your curtain! for indeed its pictures keep appearing during my Salaah". [Al-Bukhaaree]

Q7 : Is the Sutrah (waajib) compulsory in Makkah or not?

A : The Sutrah is (Waajib) compulsory in Makkah as elsewhere. There is, too, no evidence to support any differentiation between Makkah and other places. In addition, the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) placed a spear in front of him in the plain of Makkah (*1) and then performed Salaah-ul-Dhur and Asr. (*1) When he entered the Ka'bah too, he used its wall as a Sutrah. When he made Tawaaf around the Ka'bah, he placed the Maqaam (station) of Ibraheem between himself and it, then performed Salaah. (*2) This was what was done also, by the Sahaaba's after him.

Q8 : What is the verdict on someone passing in front of a person performing Salaah?

A : Passing in front of a person performing Salaah is among the Major Sins that warrant the punishment of the Hell fire. This verdict applies, if he passes between the Sutrah and the person performing Salaah, or closer than three forearms1 length to the person who has no Sutrah in front of him. Because three forearms1 length is the furthest distance which one can stay away from a Sutrah. The evidence supporting this, is the hadeeth of the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) : "If only the one passing in front of another performing Salaah, knew the magnitude of the sin that he committed he would prefer to wait for (forty days, months or years) rather than to pass in front of him." [Al-Bukhaaree]

Q9 : Is anyone exempted from this verdict?

A : Yes, the one passing through the rows in congregational Salaah, is exempted: For it has been reported that Ibn 'Abbaas said: "Fodle and I came riding on a female donkey, while the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) was at `Arafah, so we passed in front of some of the rows, then we dismounted and we left the donkey to graze. We then entered (the Salaah) with the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) , and the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) did not say anything to us (about it)." [Al-Bukhaaree, Muslim, Al-Humaydee]

And in another version it states that the female donkey passed in-front-of part of the first row.

Abdullaah Ibn 'Amr said: "We rested with the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) from Thanyatu (the mountain pass) of Azaakhir. The time for Salaah came, so he performed Salaah facing a wall in the direction of the Qib'la, and we were behind him. Then an animal came and tried to pass in front of him. He kept on warding it off, until he stuck his stomach to the wall and the animal passed behind him." [Ahmad, Aboo Daawood]

Q10 : What must the person performing Salaah do if someone tries to pass in front of him?

A : If anyone tries to pass in front of a person performing Salaah, he must prevent him from doing so. If he insists, then push him away, and if he persists, then fight him without using a weapon. If, in the event of his fighting him to prevent him from passing, he dies, then there is no sin on the one who caused his death, and no penalty nor blood money nor expiation is demanded of him. This is so, whether the person was performing Salaah, towards a Sutrah, or without a Sutrah. If they dispute with each other, the matter is taken to court. (i.e. before the judge). This is because that person (deliberately) passing in front of another who is performing Salaah, is possessed by evil. The evidence in support of this, is the hadeeth of the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) : "If any of you perform Salaah then do not let anyone pass in front of you. And if someone insists ( on passing) then fight him, for indeed he is possessed". [Muslim]

Aboo Saaleh said: "I saw Aboo Sa'eed Al-Khudree, on the Day of Jum'ah, performing Salaah in front of something which he used as a Sutrah. A youth from the tribe of Banee Abi Mu'ayt wanted to pass in front of him, so Aboo Sa'eed repulsed him with a push on his chest. The youth, looking around, saw no other place to pass, except in front of Aboo Sa'eed. He therefore tried to pass again. Aboo Sa'eed this time pushed him even harder. The youth Abused Aboo Sa'eed and went to Marwaan to lodge a complaint against Aboo Sa'eed. Aboo Sa'eed then entered after him. When he came in, Marwaan asked him: "What is it, that you have with the son of your brother, Oh Aboo Sa'eed?" Aboo Sa'eed said: I heard the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) say: "If any of you perform Salaah, with a Sutrah blocking you from the people, and someone tried to pass in front of you, then fight him, for indeed he is (shaytaan) evil". [Al-Bukhaaree]

In another version it says: "Shove him away by his neck".

And in another narration it says: " . . . Try to stop him twice and if he refuses then fight him".

And in yet another version, it is added: " . . . Indeed you have hit shaytaan". [Ibn Khuzaymah]

Many other narrations were reported without (stipulating) limiting it to having a Sutrah.

And in another version it says: (Indeed shaytaan is with him).

The Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) also repelled shaytaan when he wanted to cut across his Salaah. The Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) also repelled the animal when it wanted to pass in front of him, as we previously mentioned. The one performing Salaah therefore, must not allow anything to pass in front of him, whether it may be big or small, whether it be a person or otherwise. Even if, it means that he must move (forward), until his stomach sticks to his Sutrah, as has been authentically reported on the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) , as we previously mentioned.

There is too, no difference between Makkah and any other place, when it comes to preventing someone from passing in front of you. The son of (Ibn) `Umar t, used to perform Salaah in the Ka'bah and never let anyone pass in front of him. As for the one who passes between the rows of a congregational Salaah, he is exempted from that which was previously mentioned.

Q11 : Why is the one, attempting to pass in-front-of one performing Salaah, repelled and fought?

A : The one attempting to pass is repelled and fought, because he decreases the blessing of the Salaah. Sometimes, he even destroys it altogether. Ibn Mas'ood said: "Whoever from amongst you is able to perform Salaah without anyone passing in front of him, then do so. For indeed the person passing in front of the one making Salaah receives less blessings than the one in front of whom he passed". [Abdur-Razaak, Ibn Abi Shaybah]

This is further emphasized by the hadeeth of the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) when he said: "(If) Similar to (the size of) the rear end of a camel's saddle is in front of anyone of you all, then whatever passes in-front of you would not harm you". (i.e. would not effect your Salaah)

In addition, the one attempting to pass, is repelled as an act of enjoining right and forbidding wrong. This is because, if he passes, he would be committing a major sin. He must therefore, be prevented from doing so.

Q12 : You said that the one passing, sometimes invalidates the Salaah. So what exactly invalidates the Salaah?

A : Among the things that invalidate the Salaah by their passing are:

1 - The shaytaan
2 - A black dog
3 - A donkey
4 - A woman passed puberty

The evidence in support of this is taken from the hadeeth of the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) concerning Sutrah. In which he said: "Let him draw close to it, and don't let shaytaan break his Salaah".

And another hadeeth which he e said: "Indeed a malicious Jinn pounced on me last night trying to break my Salaah". [Muslim]

In another version it says: "Indeed shaytaan wanted to pass in-front-of me, so I choked him until I felt the coldness of his tongue on my hand". [Ahmad]

Preventing shaytaan from breaking one's Salaah therefore, is done by drawing close to the Sutrah, as was mentioned in the previous hadeeths.

Preventing other than shaytaan, is achieved by repulsion or by the placing of a Sutrah, from the types mentioned before, in front of you. The Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) said: "A woman, donkey and a dog all invalidate Salaah (if they pass in front of a person performing Salaah) and this is prevented by (placing) something similar in size to the rear end of a camel's saddle (in front of you)". [Muslim]

He also said: "Salaah is invalidated by (the passing of) a black dog or a menstruating woman, (i.e. a woman who has reached puberty)." [Ahmad and Aboo Daawood]

It was reported by Abdullaah Ibn Saamit, that Aboo Dhar said, that the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) said: "If any of you wish to perform Salaah, he is indeed shielded, if he has, in-front-of him, something the size of the rear end of a camel's saddle, in-front-of him, however, then (the passing of) a donkey, a woman or a black dog can invalidate his Salaah."

I said: "Oh Aboo Dhar! What is it with a black dog as opposed to a red or yellow dog?" He said: Oh my son of my brother! I asked the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) just as you have asked me, and he said: "A black dog is shaytaan". [Muslim]

And in another version it states: "Salaah is repeated due to the passing of a donkey, a woman or a black dog". [Ibn Khuzaymah]

This does not apply, however, if these things, mentioned above, are in-front-of the person performing Salaah but not moving across him. The Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) used to perform Salaah in-front-of a bed with `Aaishah lying on it (as is mentioned in the hadeeth of question 13). (*) In addition Maymoona, the wife of the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) said: "The Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) used to pray while I used to sleep beside him during my periods (menses) and in prostration his garment used to touch me". [Al-Bukhaaree]

Q13 : Is it permissible to touch or push one's wife while in prostration, in order to prostrate properly?

A : Yes. This is evident from the hadeeth narrated by `Aaishah t: "It is not good that you people have made us (women) equal to dogs and donkeys. No doubt, I saw Allaah's Apostle e praying while I used to lie between him and the Qiblah and when he wanted to prostrate, he pushed my legs and I withdrew them". [Al-Bukhaaree]
Refer also to last hadeeth of question 12.

Q14 : Is there any difference between a man and a woman, (concerning what was mentioned here)?

A : No, there is no difference between a man and a woman, concerning all that was mentioned here. (Thus the previous rulings apply to both men and women). We take this position due to lack of evidence suggesting otherwise.

This topic has been dealt with in some detail in the author's book, of some 184 pages in Arabic - "Rulings pertaining to the Sutrah in Makkah and elsewhere and the verdict on passing in-front-of the person performing Salaah" -

*Question 13 along with its answer has been added by the translator; It was taken from Saheeh Al-Bukhaaree: Vol.1 / book 9 / chapter 19.



Was Salaamu 'Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakaatuh,
Jameelah Iman Muhammad bint Vasquez

Allaah The Exalted Says:
"And seek help in patience and As-Salat and truly, it is extremely heavy and hard except for Al-Khashi'un." Surah al-Baqarah:45

10-11-2008 @ 10:54 PM    Notify Admin about this post
abu naimah Shamsuddin ibn Harold Simmons (rochester, ny, USA)
Posts: 28
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wa alaikum salam wa rahmatullah;

but i still don't anything that would verify using less than "elbow to finger tips" [or the height of a saddle]as a sutra in that information? Perhaps I missed it....

Abu Nurani Shamsuddin

11-11-2008 @ 6:49 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Umm Muhammad Jameelah Iman Muhammad bint Vasquez (North America)
Posts: 47
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As Salaamu 'Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakaatuh

You didn't miss it akhi, it is not specifically stated for the reasoning behind such a fatwa. InshaAllah someone may have more information on this.

Understanding is in the hands of Allah tabaraakta'aala. In something that you don't understand, then jayyid, take it to Allah tabaraakta'aala after you have asked the question and tried or while you are asking you can say 'Oh Allah increase me in knowledge'. The Prophet (sallAllahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said that. Like Ibn Taimiyyah (rahimahullah) used to do when he would read hundreds of tafseers, when he would come across something that he didn't understand he would say 'Oh Allah, who taught Ibraheem, and Oh Allah, who brings the understanding to the Imaams, teach me and grant me understanding'. Take it to Allah tabaraakta'aala. (From a lecture given by Abu Uwais[rahimahullah] from his series of lectures on Sharh Al-Aqeedatil Wasitiyah, cd #15 in the 32 cd series)

Was Salaamu 'Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakaatuh,
Jameelah Iman Muhammad bint Vasquez

Allaah The Exalted Says:
"And seek help in patience and As-Salat and truly, it is extremely heavy and hard except for Al-Khashi'un." Surah al-Baqarah:45

12-11-2008 @ 1:26 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified unspecified (unspecified)
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As salaamu 'alaykum,



Does anyone have any additional information on the evidences for "using shoes as a sutra" or the reasoning behind such a fatwa?

It seems as if the confusion lies in the question. Do you mean:

1 - Is it permissible to use shoes as a sutra as a first option? Or do you mean:

2 - Is it permissible to use shoes as a sutra after you have exhausted your efforts and
     can not find anything else?

If you meant number one, than what is apparent is that the answer is no; it is not permissible to use shoes as a sutra as a first option. As- Shaikh Uthaymeen, may Allah have mercy on him, says in response to question #4 from Muslimah03's post, "What is the smallest size a sutra can be?"...


It is the height of one forearm (*2) above the place of Salaah - that is the height of the rear end of a camel's saddle. As for it's width, there is no stipulated size. One can therefore use something even as thin as an arrow or a spear. It is not permissible, however, to take a Sutrah less than the height of the rear of a camel's saddle.

End of the Shaikh's words. Then, he, may Allah have mercy on him, mentioned a few hadeeth, from them...


The Prophet Muhammad, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, was also asked during the battle of Tabook, about the Sutrah of a person performing Salaah, so he, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said: "Like the rear end of a camel's saddle". [Muslim]

But, If you meant number two (Is it permissible to use shoes as a sutra after you have exhausted all options?), then, the answer would be yes; it is permissible.

Shaikh Uthaymeen, may Allah have mercy on him, answers this question in the second half of question #4 of Muslima03's post...


If on the other hand, after some effort to find one, none is found, one may use whatever is available, whatever the size. This is taken from the Qur'aanic saying in surah At-Taghaabun verse 16:

"So keep your duty to Allaah (and fear Him) as much as you can..."

And from the hadeeth of the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) ,: "If I order you to do something then do as much of it as you are able to". [Muslim]

And Allah, the Most High, knows best.

I did not research this issue myself, rather, I relied on the information presented by the previous posters. I did so believing that they have been truthful and precise in presenting their findings.

May Allah give us all understanding of his religion

Jameel Finch

12-11-2008 @ 2:03 PM    Notify Admin about this post
abu naimah Shamsuddin ibn Harold Simmons (rochester, ny, USA)
Posts: 28
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wa alaikum salam wa rahmatullah;

May Allah Ta'Ala reward both Sister Mislimah03 and Brother JameelFinch for their very informative Posts. I guess my question, for clarity, would have been the first question, if I had to choose.

Al-Hamdulillah, since this Post began, I had additionally learned that Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal [rahimahullah] and others, allowed such items as did not reach the more established height of an arms length or saddle. And the matter of "after you have exhausted your efforts and cannot find anything else" totally resolves the matter for me.

Jazakallahu khair.

Abu Nurani Shamsuddin

13-11-2008 @ 7:37 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Damilola Sadiq ibn Owodunni (Lagos, Nigeria || Eastern Province, KSA)
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as-salaamu 'aliakum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh,

جزاكم الله خيرا to all of you for your beneficial posts. I have two questions related to this insha Allah. I would appreciate it if some one can help me in finding answers with proofs insha Allah:
1 - What is the ruling on one who goes and stays in front of someone who is praying (the person does not cross the front of the praying person, he stays there)?

2 - Is it valid for one to use another brother/sister, who is sitting (or praying) in front of one, as a sutra?

JazaakumAllahu khayraa,

13-11-2008 @ 2:05 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Umm Musa bint Muhammad (New York)
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About the woman, dog passing by to invalidate the salat, this is applying to one's salat when there is no sutra? And this does not apply to men passing by in front of you? I would assume this would also invalidate the salah. Can someone clarify this insha'Allah?

16-11-2008 @ 6:59 PM    Notify Admin about this post
abu naimah Shamsuddin ibn Harold Simmons (rochester, ny, USA)
Posts: 28
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Al-Hamdulillahi Ta'Ala wa salatu wa salamu 'ala Rasulullah, aw 'ala Alihi wa Sahbihi ajma'een

wa b'ad;

Salamu alaikum wa rahmatullah;

This has been a significant Thread  with it's valuable contributions. It even broaden my knowledge of an accpetable sutra, al-Hamdulillah, though my personal commitment to a height is sound, I have to accept that some of our scholars have opinioned otherwise, based upon their evidences... and Allah Knows Best.

There is more that others continue to ask through their Post concerning the sutra.

May Allah Ta'Ala bless all of you, I thank you all for your patience with me in my efforts to comprehend what I did not understand.

Abu Nurani Shamsuddin

19-11-2008 @ 9:03 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abul-'Abbaas Moosaa ibn John Richardson (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia)
Posts: 1280
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In the Name of Allaah, the Most Merciful...

Here is an important point worthy of discussion:

Some people may draw a conclusion from the following hadeeth:

"When one of you prays, then he should pray with his shoes on, or he should take them off and place them between his own feet, and he should not harm others with them."

Al-Albaanee mentioned this hadeeth is his book on prayer (on page 6 of the English translation).

It was collected and authenticated by al-Haakim, and it is authentic according to al-Munaawee, who said in explanation of the hadeeth, "and he should not harm others with them (meaning:) by placing them in front of them, or on their right or left..." (Faydh al-Qadeer 1/391)

Some people may conclude that the harm referred to in the hadeeth is the placement of the shoes in front of someone, and thus we should not take shoes as a sutrah, since their placement in front of people has been referred to as a "harm" by the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam).

This is not a bad conclusion at all.  However, what seems to be correct is that - according to the Sunnah - when the shoes are removed, they are removed because of a certain kind of harm, najaasah specifically.  This is understood from the narration describing the event when the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) removed his shoes because of the filth on them he was informed about by Jibreel.  He also mentioned that we are to look at our shoes before praying in them, and if we find some harm or filth, then we should take them off.  Refer again to p.6 of the English translation of Sifatus-Salaat of al-Albaanee.

So, it can be understood that if you have removed your shoes according to the Sunnah because of najaasah on them, then they should not be used as a sutrah, since - in such a case - they have been referred to as a harm in the first hadeeth mentioned.

However, if they have been removed because it is difficult to pray in them, or because one wants to keep (non-najas) dust off his carpet, then they would not be considered a "harm" in this case, and Allaah knows best, as in the fatwaa of Ibn 'Uthaymeen quoted in the beginning of the thread.  

However, it should be noted that other things are more suitable as a sutrah in general, since shoes are something that often get dirty and perhaps affected by najaasah, and this is why he ordered us to check them before praying in them, and he did not order us to check other articles of clothing.

And Allaah knows best.

I hope this adds some clarification to the specific issue of "shoes as a sutrah".

Moosaa ibn John Richardson

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05-12-2008 @ 2:13 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abul-'Abbaas Moosaa ibn John Richardson (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia)
Posts: 1280
Joined: Sep 2002
1 - What is the ruling on one who goes and stays in front of someone who is praying (the person does not cross the front of the praying person, he stays there)?

He has not passed in front of the person so the text does not apply to him, that the one who passes in front of a praying person should rather wait 40...

[1] If he stands there, facing the qiblah, or sits, without talking to someone or creating a distraction for the praying person, then he is helping his brother with his prayer, especially when the praying person is keen to have a sutrah but this time it was not possible.  Someone who does not know the importance of the sutrah may find it a bit strange though.

[2] However, if he stands there facing the praying person, or talking, or creating some kind of visual distraction for the praying person, or verbal like reading the Qur'aan loudly or the likes, then he is harming his brother.

And Allaah knows best.

Moosaa ibn John Richardson

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25-05-2010 @ 8:20 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abul-'Abbaas Moosaa ibn John Richardson (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia)
Posts: 1280
Joined: Sep 2002
General Issues Pertaining to the Prayer
   Questions and Answers on the Sutrah
Author: Shaikh Ibn Uthaymeen
Source: Translated by `Umar al-Trinidadi
Article ID : IBD050009

i highly doubt that this article is from Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen, and Allaah knows best.  the shakyh's position on the sutrah was that it was sunnah mu'akkadah (highly stressed sunnah), and this is widely known about him.  Check the beginning of this audio from his foundation's website:

I honestly don't know how this article become attributed to him.  Its not his style of speaking either.  It resembles the speech and position of Shaykh al-Albaanee much more.

Moosaa ibn John Richardson

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26-05-2010 @ 4:52 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Damilola Sadiq ibn Owodunni (Lagos, Nigeria || Eastern Province, KSA)
Posts: 338
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جزاك الله خيرا اخي موسى.

In your response to my question about going and standing / sitting in front of one who is praying you mentioned:
If he stands there, facing the qiblah, or sits, without talking to someone or creating a distraction for the praying person, then he is helping his brother with his prayer, especially when the praying person is keen to have a sutrah but this time it was not possible.
Do you know from the scholars if it is recommended for one to place a sutrah in front of one doesn't have one (especially in the case you mentioned i.e. "the praying person is keen to have a sutrah but this time it was not possible").
27-05-2010 @ 6:13 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 846
Joined: Sep 2002

The article above (QA on the sutrah) contains content that is from a book by Shaikh Muhammad bin Rizq bin Tarhoonee and is not actually from Shaykh Ibn Uthaymin (rahimahullaah) as akh Moosaa has explained. The material has been wrongly attributed to Shaykh Ibn Uthaymin.

As for Shaykh Ibn Uthaymin's view, then it is, as the Shaykh said:

هو موضع خلاف بين العلماء فمن أهل العلم من قال إن السترة واجبة وأن المصلي يجب أن يصلي إلى سترة من جدار أو غيره ومن أهل العلم من قال إن السترة ليست بواجبة وإنما هي سنة وهذا القول هو الراجح أن السترة سنة وليست بواجبة

Which is that this is a point of difference between the Scholars, some holding it to be waajib, others holding it to be less than that, and the Shaykh is of the view that it is not waajib, but an (emphasized) sunnah.


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