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» Raising hands before & after Ruku
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05-06-2007 @ 4:42 AM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified Saddat (Dhaka, Bangladesh)
Posts: 21
Joined: Feb 2007
Assalumualikum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuhu,

So far I know raising hands at shoulder / ear level is before & after ruku / bowing is from a mutawatir hadith.

Few days back, I came to know from a Bangla Translation of Sahih Tirmizi at the footnote that Imam Abu Hanifa did not do that due to few reasons. They are:
1. Our Prophet (Peace & blessings of Allah be upon him)at the initially did that, but at the later years, he abondoned. Therefore, the hadith regarding raising hands before & after bowing is monsookh.
2. Imam Abu Hanifa took another daleel that Abdullah Ibn Masood (Allah be pleased with him)did never raise his hands before / after bowing till death. As per the footnote, Imam Abu Hanifa treated Abdullah Ibn Masood (RA)above Hazrat Omar (RA) or Hazrat Usman (RA)in case of religious matters.
3. Another reasoning of Imam Abu Hanifa is mentioned there that it is reported in some other narrations that our Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) raised his hands even for every 'Allahu Akbar', then why who following raising hands before & after bowing / ruku, does not raise hands for every Takbir.

I will be very glad if anybody enlighten me on my below mentioned queries at the earlierst:

1. Are all of the above is from Sahih Tirmizi Footnote, or it is added by the Translator himself?
2. What is the position of Ahlus-Sunnah on the above comments by Imam Abu Hanifa?


06-06-2007 @ 7:27 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Umm Rizqin unspecified (As-shehr,Yemen)
Posts: 69
Joined: Mar 2005
Assalamu'alaykum Warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

1.Topic: The Weakness of the Hadeeth condemning Recitation behind the Imaam - from: Silsilah al-Ahaadeeth ad-Da`eefah wal-Mawdoo`ah (568-570) by Shaykh al-Albaani

pls see #2

NOTE: About raising the hands on going into rukoo` and rising from it, many many ahadeeth have been narrated from the Prophet (sallallaahu `alaihi wa sallam): they are actually mutawaatir in the eyes of the scholars; in fact, raising the hands with every takbeer is proven on his authority in many ahadeeth; whereas not raising the hands is not authentically-related from him except once via `Abdullaah ibn Mas`ood (radi Allaahu `anhu), but this is not suitable for putting into practice, for it is naaf (negatory). It is firmly established, in the eyes of the Hanafis and others, that the muthbit (affirmatory) takes precedence over the naaf (negatory); this is even when the affirmatory is on its own, let alone the case when it is a multitude of narrations, as in this issue! On the basis of this principle, and in the abscence of anything contrary, this renders it binding on them to adopt the raising of the hands, and not to stick zealously to the Madhhab after the establishment of proof. However, it is a pity that only a handful of the earlier or later ones have adopted it, so much so that not raising the hands has become a landmark for them!

2. Commentary on Buloogh al-Maraam Dars by Umm ?Abdillah al-Waadi?iyyah

pg 4 of 7

In this narration that Al-Hafidh ibn Hajar (rahimahullah) has mentioned, the places of raising the hand in the salaah are three:

1. When uttering the Takbiratul Ihram
2. When saying the Takbir, that we utter when going into raka?ah
3. When raising the head from the raka?ah (meaning to stand up)

There is a fourth place in the same hadeeth that the Prophet
(salallahu alayhe wasallam) said when he stands up after completing the two raka?ah, he raises his hands when rising.So these are the four places that which is desirable to raise the hands. The Jamhoor (Majority) say that it is Mustahab.

However, Abu Haneefah (rahimahullah) went into saying that the one who prays does not raise his hand except when uttering the Takbiratul Ihram, as Al-Bayhaqee recorded in his Sunnanul Qubra, Vol.2 P.82 from the way of Wakee': He said, " I prayed in the Masjid of Kufa and Abu Haneefa was praying standing and Ibnul Mubarak was praying next to him. Abdullah (ibnul Mubarak) raised his hands every time he went to rukoo? and every time he stood up (from rukoo?), on the other hand, Abu Haneefa did not raise his hand. When they finished their salaah, Abu Haneefa said to Abdullah, "I saw you raising your hands a lot.? ?Did you want to fly?" Abdullah ibnul Mubarak replied, ?O Abu Handeefa, I saw you raising your hand when uttering the Takbiratul Ihram, did you want to fly?" Wakee' said, ?I have never seen an answer that was so readily recalled, better than the answer of Abdullah.?

And the story is authentic. In it is the strength of the proof that Abdullah ibn Mubarak defeated Abu Haneefa and won the dispute. Likewise, the one whom the truth is with, by the permission of Allah, will win the Munaza'a (dispute); Shaykh Muqbil mentioned this athar in his book Nashrus-saheefa fi dhikri asaheeh min Aqwaal aeematil- Jarhi wat Ta'deel fi Abee Haneefa P.149

Commentary on Buloogh al-Maraam Dars by Umm ?Abdillah al-Waadi?iyyah

3.Shaikh Rabee' discusses arguing about where to place the hands

4. Yet another lengthy and detailed work selected from Tuhafatul-Ahwadhee, this time the article deals with the raising of the hands before and after the bowing

On raising the hands during Prayer

By al-Haafidh Abdur Raheem al-Mubaarakfooree [d.1353] -rahimahullaah-

Allahu A'lam

ام رزقين روسينه

و كل خير في اتباع من سلف
و كل شر في ابتداع من خلف


This message was edited by Umm.Rizqin.Rosinah on 9-10-07 @ 12:37 PM

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