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15-04-2005 @ 2:47 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Umm Tahir Hakimah bint Hakim (PA, USA )
Posts: 34
Joined: Sep 2002
As-salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakatuhu:

Can anyone help me by translating this small paragraph from Ibn Qudamaah's (rahimahullaah) book al-Mughni.

ظ?طھط§ط¨ ط§ظ?ط·ظ?ط§ط±ط©

ط¨ط§ط¨ ط§ظ?ظ?ط³ط­ ط¹ظ?ظ? ط§ظ?ط®ظپظ?ظ?

ظ?ظپظ? ظ?ط³ط­ ط§ظ?ط±ط£ط³ ط¹ظ?ظ? ظ?ظ?ظ?ط¹طھظ?ط§ ط±ظ?ط§ظ?طھط§ظ?: ط¥ط­ط¯ط§ظ?ظ?ط§ ظ?ط¬ظ?ط² ظ?ط£ظ? ط£ظ? ط³ظ?ظ?ط© ظ?ط§ظ?طھ طھظ?ط³ط­ ط¹ظ?ظ? ط®ظ?ط§ط±ظ?ط§ ط°ظ?ط±ظ? ط§ط¨ظ? ط§ظ?ظ?ظ?ط°ط± ظ?ظ?ط¯ ط±ظ?ظ? (ط¹ظ? ط§ظ?ظ?ط¨ظ? -طµظ?ظ? ط§ظ?ظ?ظ? ط¹ظ?ظ?ظ? ظ?ط³ظ?ظ?- ط£ظ?ظ? ط£ظ?ط± ط¨ط§ظ?ظ?ط³ط­ ط¹ظ?ظ? ط§ظ?ط®ظپظ?ظ? ظ?ط§ظ?ط®ظ?ط§ط±) ظ?ظ?ط£ظ?ظ? ظ?ظ?ط¨ظ?ط³ ظ?ظ?ط±ط£ط³ ظ?ط¹طھط§ط¯, ظ?ط´ظ? ظ?ط²ط¹ظ? ظپط£ط´ط¨ظ? ط§ظ?ط¹ظ?ط§ظ?ط© ظ?ط§ظ?ط«ط§ظ?ظ?ط© ظ?ط§ ظ?ط¬ظ?ط² ط§ظ?ظ?ط³ط­ ط¹ظ?ظ?ظ? ظپط¥ظ? ط£ط­ظ?ط¯ ط³ط¦ظ?: ظ?ظ?ظپ طھظ?ط³ط­ ط§ظ?ظ?ط±ط£ط© ط¹ظ?ظ? ط±ط£ط³ظ?ط§ط? ظ?ط§ظ?: ظ?ظ? طھط­طھ ط§ظ?ط®ظ?ط§ط±, ظ?ظ?ط§ طھظ?ط³ط­ ط¹ظ?ظ? ط§ظ?ط®ظ?ط§ط± ظ?ط§ظ?: ظ?ظ?ط¯ ط°ظ?ط±ظ?ط§ ط£ظ? ط£ظ? ط³ظ?ظ?ط© ظ?ط§ظ?طھ طھظ?ط³ط­ ط¹ظ?ظ? ط®ظ?ط§ط±ظ?ط§ ظ?ظ?ظ?ظ? ظ?ط§ظ? ظ?ط§ طھظ?ط³ط­ ط¹ظ?ظ? ط®ظ?ط§ط±ظ?ط§ ظ?ط§ظپط¹ ظ?ط§ظ?ظ?ط®ط¹ظ?, ظ?ط­ظ?ط§ط¯ ط¨ظ? ط£ط¨ظ? ط³ظ?ظ?ظ?ط§ظ? ظ?ط§ظ?ط£ظ?ط²ط§ط¹ظ? ظ?ط³ط¹ظ?ط¯ ط¨ظ? ط¹ط¨ط¯ ط§ظ?ط¹ط²ظ?ط² ظ?ط£ظ?ظ? ظ?ظ?ط¨ظ?ط³ ظ?ط±ط£ط³ ط§ظ?ظ?ط±ط£ط©, ظپظ?ظ? ظ?ط¬ط² ط§ظ?ظ?ط³ط­ ط¹ظ?ظ?ظ? ظ?ط§ظ?ظ?ظ?ط§ظ?ط© ظ?ظ?ط§ ظ?ط¬ط²ط¦ ط§ظ?ظ?ط³ط­ ط¹ظ?ظ? ط§ظ?ظ?ظ?ط§ظ?ط©, ط±ظ?ط§ظ?ط© ظ?ط§ط­ط¯ط© ظ?ط§ ظ?ط¹ظ?ظ? ظپظ?ظ? ط®ظ?ط§ظپط§ ظ?ط£ظ?ظ?ط§ ظ?ط§ ظ?ط´ظ? ظ?ط²ط¹ظ?ط§ ظپظ?ظ? ظ?ط§ظ?ط·ط§ظ?ظ?ط© ظ?ظ?ط±ط¬ظ? ظ?ط§ظ?ظ?ظ? ط£ط¹ظ?ظ?

Any help will be greatly appreciated! Jazaaka Allahu khairan.

Ummul Layth Hakimah bint Hakim

16-04-2005 @ 6:25 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abul-'Abbaas Moosaa ibn John Richardson (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia)
Posts: 1280
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كتاب الطهارة
"The Book of Purification"

باب المسح على الخفين
"Chapter: Wiping Over Footwear"

وفي مسح الرأس على مقنعتها روايتان: إحداهما يجوز لأن أم سلمة كانت تمسح على خمارها ذكره ابن المنذر
"...And with regards to wiping over the head covering (for women), then there are two narrations (from Imaam Ahmad):  The first of them is that it is permissible, since Umm Salamah used to wipe over her khimaar.  Ibn al-Munthir mentioned this...

وقد روي (عن النبي -صلى الله عليه وسلم- أنه أمر بالمسح على الخفين والخمار) ولأنه ملبوس للرأس معتاد, يشق نزعه فأشبه العمامة
And it has been reported from the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam that he ordered (them) to wipe over the footwear and the khimaar.  Also, this is because it (a woman's head covering) is something fixed in place and it difficult to remove, so then it is similar to the 'imaamah (of the men)...

والثانية لا يجوز المسح عليه فإن أحمد سئل: كيف تمسح المرأة على رأسها؟ قال: من تحت الخمار, ولا تمسح على الخمار
...And the second (narration from Imaam Ahmad) is that it is not permissible to wipe over it (a woman's head covering), for verily Ahmad was asked: How can a woman wipe over her head?  He said: From under her khimaar, and she does not wipe over the khimaar...

قال: وقد ذكروا أن أم سلمة كانت تمسح على خمارها
...He (Ibn Qudaamah, most likely; perhaps Imaam Ahmad) said: And they mentioned that Umm Salamah used to wipe over her khimaar...

وممن قال لا تمسح على خمارها نافع والنخعي, وحماد بن أبي سليمان والأوزاعي وسعيد بن عبد العزيز
...And from those who said that one does not wipe over her khimaar are: Naafi', an-Nakha'ee, Hammaad ibn Abee Sulaymaan, al-Awzaa'ee, and Sa'eed ibn 'Abdil-'Azeez...

لأنه ملبوس لرأس المرأة, فلم يجز المسح عليه كالوقاية ولا يجزئ المسح على الوقاية, رواية واحدة لا نعلم فيه خلافا لأنها لا يشق نزعها فهي كالطاقية للرجل والله أعلم
Since it is something worn on the head of the woman, then it is not permissible to wipe over it, like the helmet (worn in battle), as it is not permissible to wipe over the helmet, and there is only one narration about this (from Imaam Ahmad), and we do not know of any differing over it, since it is not difficult to remove, then it is like a man's cap, and Allaah knows best."

Moosaa ibn John Richardson

سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك
أشهد أن لا إله إلا أنت
أستغفرك وأتوب إليك

17-04-2005 @ 1:58 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Umm Tahir Hakimah bint Hakim (PA, USA )
Posts: 34
Joined: Sep 2002
as-salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakatuhu:

Jazaaka Allaahu khairan Yaa Abal 'Abbaas!

17-04-2005 @ 9:25 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Oummou Assia Amina bint Marie-annick (Al Qaahirah (Al Khaamis), Mysr.)
Posts: 93
Joined: Sep 2002
bissmillahi ar rahmani ar rahim
assalam alaykoum

just a reminder:

Wiping on the Socks, Shoes, Bandages & Turbans during the Wudoo

(excellent article, which should be read carefully and kept in mind)



Shaykh Muhammad bin Saalih al-?Uthaymeen (Rahimahullaah)



Q20.     Is it permitted to wipe on the ?Imaamah-s, and what are the limits of that, and what is the description of the ?Imaamah?

A20.     Wiping on the ?Imaamah is something that the Sunnah has brought from the Messenger (Sallallaahu ?alayhi wa sallam). Hence it is permitted to wipe on them, wiping on all or part, and it is also from the Sunnah to wipe whatever is exposed of the head, like the forelock, side of the head, and ears.

Q21.     Does the Shimaagh [like a Ghutrah ? the square cloth that is folded into a triangle and usually worn on the head of Saudi men] of a man, and the covering of the head of a woman, enter into what is know as the ?Imaamah?

A21.     The man?s Shimaagh and Taaqeeyah [the simple white cotton cap worn by most Muslims] certainly does not enter into what is meant by the word ?Imaamah. As for what is worn in winter, such as the complete hood that covers the head and ears, and that which is perhaps below it, being wrapped on the neck, then this is like the ?Imaamah because it is difficult to remove and so it may be wiped upon.

Concerning the women, then they can wipe on their Khimaar-s according to what is well known from the Madh-hab of Imaam Ahmad if they are made to go round under the neck, because that has been mentioned from some of the women companions (Radiyallaahu ?anhunna).
Q22.     Is it permitted to wipe on the Fez as it is on the head but not connected to the neck?

A22.     It is apparent that the Fez is not difficult to remove and so it is not permitted to wipe on it as it resembles the Taaqeeyah in some respects. All this is because, the principle is that one must wipe the head during Wudoo, unless it becomes clear that the item in question can be wiped instead.

(الحق من ربك"(آل عمران"
Oummou Assia Amina Le Joncour al-faranssiyyah

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