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» Marrying a pregnant adultress
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07-04-2005 @ 6:38 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Najiyyah Jamal ibn Abdul Majeed Mu (Laurel, Maryland)
Posts: 38
Joined: Jun 2003
As Salaamu Alaikum

It is understood from the fatawa of the 'Ulamaa that the pregnant adultress is not to be married until the baby is born.  The question is: if such a marriage takes place, is the marriage contract invalid or is it a sinful marriage which retains its validity?

Abu Najiyyah Jamal Muhammad
Masjid Ghurabaa

"Every soul shall taste death."

08-04-2005 @ 5:41 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Najiyyah Jamal ibn Abdul Majeed Mu (Laurel, Maryland)
Posts: 38
Joined: Jun 2003
Correction: I just found out the woman took shahaadah before becoming pregnant, also, the wedding is scheduled to take place this weekend so an answer is needed urgently.

Jazakumullahu khayra

Abu Najiyyah Jamal Muhammad
Masjid Ghurabaa

"Every soul shall taste death."

This message was edited by Abu.Najiyyah on 4-9-05 @ 1:25 AM

11-04-2005 @ 5:53 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Ibraheem Bukharee
Ibn Sharefah Abdul-Qawiyy al-Michiganee

This message was edited by ibrahim.bukhari on 4-21-05 @ 5:19 PM

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