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23-10-2004 @ 11:31 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo 'Abdil-Fattaah Salaah bin Bernard Brooks (Pittsburgh, PA, USA)
Posts: 110
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As Salaamu 'Alaikum


In Sifatus-Salaatin-Nabee of Shaikh Al-Albaanee, we find that we should say in the Tashahhud "As-Salaamu 'alan-Nabee" instead of "As-Salaamu 'Alaika ayyahaa Nabee", due to his death, sallaa Allaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.  We were informed that Shaikh Ibn 'Uthaimeen disagreed with this saying that a) the Prophet sallaa Allaahu 'alaihi wa sallam was raised up to teach the people and this was something not taught to them; b) there were sahaabah in Makkah living during the time of the Prophet while he was in Madeenah and they were not instructed to say "As Salaamu 'alan-nabee", even though he wasn't present amongst them in Makkah.  What is the correct position in this regard?


أبو عبد الفتـــاح
Aboo 'Abdil-Fattaah

05-09-2005 @ 9:02 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Umm Rizqin unspecified (As-shehr,Yemen)
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05-09-2005 @ 10:28 PM    Notify Admin about this post
aboo 'ubayd Ozan ibn Bedir (London U.K.)
Posts: 71
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Assalaamu 'alaikum

The Shaykh Faqeeh Muhammed Ibn Saalih Al-Uthaymeen discusses this issue in his highly beneficial book 'Ash-Sharh Al-Mumti: 3/150-151.
His words can be summarised in the following:

1. Saying: 'Assalaamu Alayka? in the Tashahhud is not the same as when the people convey salaams to one another, as if this was the case the prayer would be null and void, because all human speech is prohibited in the prayer.

2. The companions used to say in the Tashahhud: 'Assalaamu Alayka' and the Prophet (Salla Allaahu ?Alayhi was Salam) would be in one land and they in another.

3. As for the narration found in Bukhari upon the authority of Abdullaah ibn Mas'ood; 'That they used to say after the death of the Prophet (Salla Allaahu ?Alayhi was Salam), ?Assalaamu 'Alan Nabiyy', then this is considered his ijtihaad, which was opposed by someone of greater knowledge than him, none other than 'Umar ibn Al-Khattaab.
It is reported that 'Umar gave a sermon whilst upon the minbar of the Prophet (Salla Allaahu ?Alayhi was Salam), saying in his Tashahhud:
'Assalaamu Alayka Ayyuhan Nabiyy'. This is reported by Malik in Muwatta with one of the most authentic chains of narrations. 'Umar said this in the presence of the companions and they accepted this.

4. The Prophet (Salla Allaahu ?Alayhi was Salam) taught his Ummah the Tashhahud like he taught them the Quraan, and he was aware that he was going to die because Allaah said to him:
'Verily you will die just as they will die.' (Zumar:30)
And he never said to them: 'After my death say 'Assalaamu 'Ala An-Nabiyy'.
This is another reason why the ijtihaad of ibn Mas'ood is not to be relied upon in this issue.

aboo 'ubayd awzan ibn badr ibn saalih

08-09-2005 @ 9:06 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Umm Sabr Samirah bint Jackie Todd (Philadelphia, PA)
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Bismillah Ir Rahman Ir Rahim

As Salaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh

With all due respect to the brother's post. Since this is a "summerised" version of the Shiekh's(rahimAllah) words. Can you tell us the daleel regarding to the statement that Umar ibn al-Khitab (radiAllahu Anhu) is of greater knowledge ibn Masood (radiAllahu Anhu). And where in the Muwwata reported by Malik is Umar's (radiAllahu Anhu) statement.  Since others, than Ibn Masood (radiAllahu Anhu) is of authority of this hadith in Bukhari and aHadith we also Aishah (radiAllahu Anha), ibn Az-Zubaid (radiAllahu Anhu), ibn Abaas (radiAllahu Anhu) as narrators.

ie. Bukhaari, Muslim, Ibn Abi Shaibah(1/90/2). Siraaj & Abu ya'laa in his Musnaad(258/2) it is given in Irwaa(321)

Siraaj in  musnaad (9/1/2) & Mukhlis in al- Fawaa'id(11/54/1)with  two sahih isnaads from her. Taken from The Prophets Prayer by Shaykh Naasir Ud-Deen Al-Albani pg. 68 footnotes

Samirah bint Jackie Dean Todd. Philadelphia,PA, USA.

Subhanaka Allahumma wa Bi Hamdika
Ash hadu an la ilaha illa Anta
Astaghfiruka wa atuboo alaik

As Salaamu Alaikum
wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu

10-09-2005 @ 10:39 PM    Notify Admin about this post
aboo 'ubayd Ozan ibn Bedir (London U.K.)
Posts: 71
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Assalaamu 'alaikum

Firstly and most importantly we must understand that the Scholars of ahlus-sunnah wal jamaa'ah have differed in this matter, as is clear in the opinion of ash-Shaykh al-Albaanee and the opinion of ash-Shaykh al-Uthaymeen (May Allaah have mercy upon both of them)!

Just a few comments relating to your post:
1. These words were posted because someone was inquiring about the position of Shaykh 'Uthaymeen.

2. When I said summarised, I meant that these are some of the exact words that the Shaykh mentioned in his book pertaining to the subject, and not that I changed or altered any one of them.

3. Therefore, the statement:
"Which was opposed by someone of greater knowledge".
Are actually the words of Ibn Uthaymeen.

Shaykh Falaah Ismaa'eel al-Mundikaar from Kuwait mentioned a hadeeth with regards to this issue specifically, which clearly shows the superiority of this great companion:
reported in sahih al-Bukhaaree on the authority of Abdullaah ibn ?Abbaas that 'Ali ibn Abi Taalib said (after the death of 'Umar ibn Al-Khattaab)
"I often heard Allaah's Messenger (Salla Allaahu ?Alayhi was Salam) saying, "I, Abu Bakr and 'Umar were (somewhere). I, Abu Bakr and 'Umar did (something). I, Abu Bakr and 'Umar set out."
English Translation vol.5:26. (refer back to the complete hadeeth)
And there are many other narrations that could be mentioned, from them the famous hadeeth of 'Irbaad ibn Saariyyah.

4. The reference for the narration:
Al-Muwatta, Kitaabus-Salaah, Baab at-Tashahhud fis-Salaah (240)

5. Just to allow the sister to understand the point of Ibn al-Uthaymeen, she has to recognise the angle that the Shaykh is coming from. The Shaykh is alluding to the fact that if the Companions differ in a matter, then none of their statements are taken as an absolute proof over one another, rather the evidences of the Book and the Sunnah that support their arguments should be investigated.
That is why the Shaykh stressed the point:
"The Prophet (Salla Allaahu ?Alayhi was Salam) was aware he was going to die". Meaning, if a change was needed the Prophet (Salla Allaahu ?Alayhi was Salam) would have highlighted it.

wa Billaahit-Tawfeeq

aboo 'ubayd awzan ibn badr ibn saalih

This message was edited by awzan.ibn.badr on 9-11-05 @ 11:20 PM

11-09-2005 @ 4:32 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Abul-'Abbaas Moosaa ibn John Richardson (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia)
Posts: 1280
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Jazaakum Allaahu khayran Abaa 'Ubayd - may Allaah bless you.

Actual words of Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen, as you have mentioned, from the source you have mentioned:

خالفه فيه من هو أعلم منه
"He was opposed in this by someone more knowledgable than him."

As a point of benefit, the tashah-hud of Ibn Mas'ood, "as-Salaamu 'alan-Nabee" has been reported from a number of other Companions, like Ibn 'Umar, 'Ibn 'Abbaas, Ibn az-Zubayr, 'Aa'ishah, and others.  I remember the report from Ibn 'Abbaas and Ibn az-Zubayr being clearly authentic (in the Musannaf of Abdur-Razzaaq), and the report of Ibn 'Umar is in the Muwatta' as well with the same "golden chain" referred to for the hadeeth of Umar.  And some of the other narrations from other Companions are weak.

'Ataa said that "the Companions" used to say "As-Salaamu 'alan-Nabee", and he had taken from a number of Companions, 200 or more. [Abdur-Razzaaq]

Shaykh al-Albaanee's argument in this issue is strong, however it should be noted that his position is in opposition to the majority of the scholars in this case (depite the strength of his evidence).  Thus, it is an issue of legitimate differing and those who have taken from one scholar or another in this issue but have not really studied both sides should be lenient and easy on their brothers.

And again, I ask Allaah to reward Aboo 'Ubayd, as people need to see the scholars' positions in issues that we thought were "hands down", and possibly considered our position "the Salafee position".  May Allaah increase us in knowledge, insight, and love for the scholars of ahlus-Sunnah.

Moosaa ibn John Richardson

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