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» Praying behind Saint Worshipper
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20-12-2003 @ 5:13 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 221
Joined: Nov 2003
Alhamdulillaah wassalaatu wassalaam ala rasulullaah wa ba'd -

I read an article in salafipublications that Shaykh Muqbil (rahimahullah) has prohibited praying behind a saint worshipper. The matter is clear that we do not pray behind them but what if a person unknowingly prayed behind a saint worshipper or he came to know after the salah was over that the Imaam was a saint worshipper.

Should such a person repeat the salah or is his salah valid?

I request the tullaab to answer this question if they know about this issue or ask the 'Ulamaa about this issue soon as this is an issue which some of our brothers encounter frequently here in India.

Barakallaahu feekum .wassalaamu - alaikum

wasim ahmad ibn abdur raheem salafi alhindee

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