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» Pearls for the Salafiyyeen: The type of sleep that nullifies the wudu
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07-12-2003 @ 8:55 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 153
Joined: Oct 2002

Pearls for the Salafiyyeen: A series of preferred opinions of al-Allaamah ibn Uthaymeen

Introducing, bi idhnillaah, a selection of preferred opinions of the Imaam, the Salafi, al-Faqeeh, al-Allaamah Aboo Abdillaah Muhammad ibn Saaleh ibn Uthaymeen, which he chose and as the ?qawl ur-raajih? on different fiqh issues during his explanation of ?Zaad al-Mustaqni? ? (a treatise on Hanbali fiqh), which is entitled ?as-Sharh al-Mumti? alaa Zaad il-Mustaqni? ?.

Over 900 of these preferred opinions are collected in a book ?Tawjeeh ur-Raaghibeen ilaa ikhtiyaaraat as-Shaikh ibn Uthaymeen? by Muhammad adh-Dhiyaab.

And all success lies with Allaah! We continue with:


The type of sleep that nullifies the wudu.  

The preferred opinion of al-Allaamah ibn Uthaymeen:

?And that which is correct is that nullification of wudu depends on perception. So as long as a person can perceive within himself whether he has passed wind or not, then sleeping does not nullify his wudu, and when he cannot perceive within himself whether he has passed wind or not then his sleep nullifies his wudu.?

{Page 138 from Sharh al-Mumti?, page 23 from Tawjeeh ur-Raaghibeen.}

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