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» Medicines which contain alhocol
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04-10-2003 @ 3:15 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 154
Joined: Dec 2002
assalaamu 'alaikum wa rahmatullah.

Does anyone know what scholars have said abt medicines that contain ethanol, glycerol? is it allowed to use those medicines??

wa'alaikum assalaam

abu ayyub al bukhari

04-10-2003 @ 6:07 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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wa 'alaykumus-salaamu wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh

Subhaan Allaah I just came back from the university where Shaykh Muhammad Baazmool was teaching Ahkaam Al-Qur'aan.  Today's lesson was about the prohibition of khamr (intoxicants), and I asked him about a product that is available here called "STREPSILS", which are lozenges to soothe sore throat.

He said not to allow the presence of "alcohol" (whatever type it is) mentioned in the list of ingredients to be the only factor.  That is because many fruits and natural products like apples and bread have an amount of alcohol in them but do not intoxicate anyone, even if someone ate 100 apples.

He said that they would be considered khamr if I took a lot of the lozenges and I became intoxicated, he mentioned 100 for example.  I said that I couldn't imagine taking 100 lozenges, so then how can I know without doint that?  He said to ask the pharmicist about the alcohol content, as they know if the amount would cause intoxication if one consumed a large amount of them.

Another student asked him about the hadeeth:

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"If a lot of something causes intoxication, then a little of it is haraam." [Bukhaaree/Nasaa'ee]

Can't you consider the presence of alcohol in the thing enough of a factor to say its haraam since alcohol intoxicates, so then there is a little bit of it in the product?

The shaykh restated the thing about alcohol being found in apples and said that this hadeeth is referring to the size of the container being used, not the percentage of alcohol in something.  Meaning if you drank a litre lot of the cough syrup, then you got drunk, then this means a small spoonful of that medicine is haraam.

He also mentioned another hadeeth, the meaning of it is that Allaah did not make any cure found in anything he prohibited.  I will post it if I can locate its source in shaa' Allaah.

Wallaahu a'lam...

Also from the benefits of the lesson was that the shaykh said about the claim that a little bit of alcohol daily (not enough to make one drunk) is a cause for a longer and more healthier life, he said that this is a false claim that will be proven false in time, as the "benefit" found in khamr that Allaah mentioned in the qur'aan was only financial, not medical.  He said that this is known by the statement of Ibn 'Abbaas, that when Allaah prohibited khamr, he removed all the benefit that was associated with it (meaning: through its sale).  The shaykh said that the medical research of the kuffaar is often flawed.  They base their findings on small groups of people only, and they say that one food causes cancer one year, then the next year someone else comes with a "decisive study" that "proves" that the same food actually prevents cancer, and so forth...

Moosaa Richardson

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06-10-2003 @ 10:56 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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bissmillahi ar rahmani ar rahim

assalamou 'alaykoum wa rahmatoullahi wa barakaatouh

In kitaab: "liqaa al bab al maftouh" volume number 3, pages 381-382, shaykh al 'Outehymin rahimahou llah, says exaclty the same; as it was on a french salafy site (known to this forum:, i translate to u, but pls look back to the book for exact wording bi idhni Llah:

1/ text in french:
Certaines personnes pensent que les dires du Prophète (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) : « Tout ce qui enivre en grandes ou petites quantités est harâm », signifie que si un petit pourcentage d'un intoxicant est mélangé avec une substance plus importante, et qui n'est pas enivrante, ceci est harâm. C'est une mauvaise compréhension du hadîth. « Tout ce qui enivre en grandes ou petites quantités est harâm » : Cela signifie qu'une chose à grande quantité qui provoque l'ivresse, comme une chose à petite quantité et qui ne cause pas d'ivresse, sont toutes les deux harâm, que ce soit à grande ou petite quantité, parce que vous pouvez boire un petit peu [d'alcool], sans que cela cause en vous de l'ivresse, mais cela peu vous tenter à boire plus au point d'en être enivrés. Mais si quelque chose est mélangé avec de l'alcool et que l'alcool est à petite quantité et n'a pas effet, alors cela est licite, et cela n'entre pas sous la décision de hadîth précité ci-dessus.

2/ translation:
somme people think that the haadith of Ar Rassoul (salla llahou 'alayhi wa sallam): "all that makes you drunk in small or great quantities is harram", means that if a little purcentage of an intoxicant is mixed with a more important (in quantity) substance, which is not drunking, then this is harram. But this is a faulse understanding of the hadith: "all that makes you drunk in small or great quantities is harram"; this means that  something in great quantity which leads to drunkness, as well as a small thing which does not cause drunkness, are both harram, either in great or small quantity, because you can drink a small quantity of alcohol that won't cause you to be drunk, but this can tempt you to drink more up to the point where you can be drunk. But if something is mixed with alcohol and that the alcohol is in small quantity ( in the thing) and has NO EFFECT, then this is HALAAL, and this does not enter under the houkm of the hadith mentionned previously".

wa Allahou ta'ala a'lam.

" al haqqou min rabbikoum" (Ali 'Imran).

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