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» On the Imaamate of Women in Prayer
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30-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 133
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Awn al-Ma`bood [2/300-301], the commentary to Abu Daawood by Abu at-Tayyib al-Adheemabaadee, may Allaah have mercy upon him
577) Umm Waraqah, the daughter of Nawfal reported, "When the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) proceeded for Badr I said to him, 'Messenger of Allaah allow me to accompany you in the battle. I shall act as a nurse for your patients and maybe Allaah will bestow martyrdom upon me.' He replied, 'stay at your home and Allaah the Exalted will bestow martyrdom upon you.' [The narrator said: hence she was called a martyr.] She read the Qur'aan and sought permission from the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) to have a mu'adhdhin in her house. He therefore permitted her to do so. She announced that her slave and slave girl would be free after her death so one night they strangled her with a sheet of cloth until she died and ran away. The next day Umar announced that anyone who has knowledge of them or has seen them should bring them to him. (After they were caught) Umar ordered that they be crucified and this was the first crucifixion at Madeenah."

578) From Umm Waraqah, the daughter of Abdullaah bin al-Haarith, "the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) used to visit her at her house. He appointed a mu'adhdhin to call adhaan for her and he commanded her to lead the inmates of her house in prayer." Abdurrahmaan said, "I saw that her mu'adhdhin was an old man."

[Abu Daawood (Eng. Trans. #591&592)]

This hadeeth establishes that the imaamate of women and their praying in congregation is correct and affirmed by means of the order of the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) . Aa`ishah (RA) and Umm Salamah (RA) led the women in prayer for the obligatory prayers and the prayer of Taraaweeh.

Al-Haafidh said in ?Talkhees al-Habeer?,

"The hadeeth of Aa`ishah that the led the women in prayer by standing in the middle (of their first row) was reported by Abdurrazaaq and via his route, ad-Daaruqutnee and al-Bayhaqee from the hadeeth of Abu Haazim from Raa'ita al-Hanafiyyah from Aa'ishah that 'she led them in an obligatory prayer standing amongst them.'

Ibn Abee Shaybah and al-Haakim report via the route of ibn Abee Laylah from Ataa from Aa`ishah 'that she used lead the women in prayer and stand in the middle of their (first row).'

The hadeeth of Umm Salamah that she led the women in prayer and stood in the middle of them was reported by ash-Shaafi`ee, ibn Abee Shaybah and Abdurrazzaaq all from ibn Uyaynah from Ammaar ad-Dahnee from a woman of his people who was called Hajeerah from Umm Salamah 'that she led them in prayer and stood in the middle (of the first row).'

The wording of Abdurrazzaaq has, 'Umm Salamah led us in the Asr prayer and stood in the middle of us.'"

Al-Haafidh also said in ?ad-Diraayah?,

"Muhammad bin al-Hasan reports from Ibraaheem an-Nakha`ee from Aa`ishah 'that she used to lead the women in prayer during the month of Ramadaan and stood in the middle (of their first row).'"

I say: it is clear from these ahaadeeth that when a woman leads other women then she stands in the middle (of their first row) amongst them and not in front of them (as a man does).

(as-Sana`aanee) said in ?as-Subul as-Salaam?,

"The hadeeth lends proof for the correctness of a woman leading the people of her household, even if their be a man amongst them - and in this case he was her mu`adhdhin and an old man. The literal sense of the hadeeth shows that she used to lead him, her servant and her slave-girl.

Abu Thawr, al-Muzanee and at-Tabaree took to the opinion that this was correct while the majority were of the opposite opinion."

?Abdurrazzaaq reports in his Musannaf from Ikrimah from ibn Abbaas that he said, "when a woman leads women in prayer then she should stand in the middle of them."


Aboo Shaahir as-Salafee

30-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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It is not permissible (according to the scholars of Islaam) to abbreviate "sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam" in speech or writing.  If you are copying and pasting, then please do a quick "search and replace" in MSWORD or similar software before posting.  Some people may forward posts from salafitalk to friends or other message boards, so taking proper care of this will prevent this evil from spreading elsewhere.  Do not let our salafee board be a source of munkar.  May Allaah reward you.

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سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك
أشهد أن لا إله إلا أنت
أستغفرك وأتوب إليك

07-02-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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As-Salaamu 'alaykum,

What sources mention the opinion of the majority and what are their proofs against women leading men?
Where in Subul as-Salaam did as-San'aanee (رحه الله) mention this opinion?

Baarak Allaahu feekum


08-02-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Just to add another point like our brother Musa حفطه الله و زاده علما  as I hear daily so many people saying it. I remember asking Abu Talha Dawud حفطه الله و زاده علما about when people for example say 'I went to the masjid In shaa Allaah' or 'My name is Muhammad In shaa Allaah' using 'In shaa Allaah' when you have already done something or stating what is real and apparent like saying 'this is a pen in my hand In shaa Allaah'. Abu Talha mentioned that the Ulamaa have said that such speech is a Bid'a.

والله أعلم

أبو سلمان النمري

14-02-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 132
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Al-Hamdulillah wa salatu wa salamu ala Rasulullah
wa salamu ala man taba'a l-hudaa

Salamu alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh;

I'm trying desparately to find a tape of a Shaikh that had stated a differring opinion that when women are praying together, their prayer being no different from that of men, that a woman may stand out in front
of the others. Insha'allah, as soon as I find it I will Post the name of the Shaikh, his words and Daleel.

Abu Na'imah Shamsudden


Al-Hamdulillahi Ta'Ala wa salatu wa salamu ala Rasulullah

By the grace & mercy of Allah, Azza wa Jall, the tape has been found. It is by Shaikh Saleh As-Sadlan [hafizahullah], given at the QSS 13th Annual Convention, 11/25/99. Tape-1 Q&A For Women. Translated by Brother Yahya from Toronto.

QUESTION: "When the sisters pray in congregation, where does the sister who is leading the prayer stand, out in front of the line or in the line? Please explain?"

ANSWER:"The Shaikh [hafizahullah] answered by saying 'As for the woman, if she is leading as an Imam of the other women, the Scholars have differed, whether she should stand in the middle or in the front of the sisters. The first group has said she should stand in the middle, while the most correct answer is that she should stand in the front of the other women and for the reason that the woman is like the man in the actions of Ebadah in this nature. For we see that Rasulullah [sallallahu alaihi wa salam] ordered the man that if there was no room, [for]the male Imam, that he is to stand in the middle of the line. Meaning that if there is room, for him to stand out in the front, then this should be performed. Therefore, there is no distinction between the man and the woman in this regards. Also, the Shaikh points out that the recitation of the woman should be in a low voice, so that only the women near her can hear, not that the voice can escape and enter the confines of other people or [be heard by] men."

This message was edited by abu.naimah.shamsuddi on 2-15-03 @ 4:07 AM

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