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» Is Salaatul Awwaabeen Saheeh?
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24-04-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 16
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As salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh.  Is this hadeeth authentic?

Ammar bin Yasir radhiyallahu anhu said that Rasoolullahi sallallahu alaihi wa sallam  offered 6 raka'at after Maghrib himself and said that whoever offers 6 raka'at after Maghrib will have all his sins forgiven even if they are as much as the foam on the ocean.  ( Tabaraanee ).

The minimum number of raka'at is 6 and the maximum is 20.  Can be performed in 2 or 4 raka'at although 2 units are preferred.  

Barakallahu feekum

Umm Su'aad Haneefah Bint 'Alim Saahir

24-04-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Al-Albaani رحمه الله reports in'jaami as-Sagheer': Who ever praye between maghrib and Eshaa, then it is the salaah of the awwaabeen. reported by ibn Nasr from Muhammad ibn al-Munkadir (Mursalan) Da'eef.

also he states other hadeeth of praying six raka'aat after maghrib, all of them being Daeef. as-Shaikh Bazmool makes no mention of such a salaah either in his very good book on salaah at-Tatawwu'.

و الله أعلم

أبو سلمان النمري طلحة بن وليم

والعصر ان الانسان لفي خسر الا الذين آمنواو عملوا الصالحات و تواصوا بالحق و تواصوا بالصبر

13-05-2003 @ 10:26 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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There needs to be some clarification concerning this prayer and the prayer of which the narration collected by Imaam Muslim in the Book of the Prayer of the Travelers and Shortening it says:
Zayd ibn Arqam who said:The Messenger of Allaah  (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) went out to the people of Qubaa? and found them praying. He said: Salaat al-Awwaabeen is when the young camels lift up their feet (because of the heat of the sand).

al-Imaam an-Nawawee (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:
The expression ?Salaat al-Awwaabeen is when the young camels lift up their feet (because of the heat of the sand)? refers to when the sand becomes intolerably hot from the sun?s heat, and burns the bottoms of the young camels? feet, so they alternately elevate and bring down their feet in reaction to the heat of the sand. ?Al-Awwaab? means one who is obedient, or one who turns to obedience. The hadeeth also refers to the best time to offer this prayer, although it is permissible to pray it any time after the sun has risen and before it reaches its apex.

From the other text revolving around this one, it is clear that this is also called Salaatud Duhaa!

Dawud Adib

[edited by admin to correct formatting error]

This message was edited by Admin on 9-20-03 @ 2:41 PM

20-09-2003 @ 4:55 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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This message was edited by ikram.mohammed on 9-20-03 @ 12:48 PM

20-09-2003 @ 12:49 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 24
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As salaamu 'alaikum,

Is it possible to get the publisher's information for the book mentioned in the statement "as-Shaikh Bazmool makes no mention of such a salaah either in his very good book on salaah at-Tatawwu'", alongside with any other information which will help will locating this book by Shaikh Bazmool (hafizahullaah)?

Jazaakallaahu khairaa.

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