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Topic: Watching Movies, Films, Cartoons
Damilola Sadiq ibn Owodunni
(Lagos, Nigeria || Eastern Province, KSA)
Posts: 338
Joined: Jul 2007
A Reminder ... Regarding Cartoons Question: | quote: |
What is the ruling on watching and buying islamic animated-cartoon movies. ... However, the problem we face is related to the fact that such movies present hand-drawn pictures of humans and animals. Is it permissible to watch these animated cartoons? ... |
Answer: | quote: |
It is not permissible to buy, sell or use cartoon movies, because they include Haram pictures. Raising children should be done in ways that are Islamically acceptable with regard to teaching, disciplining, encouraging them to offer Salah and taking good care of them. |
See complete Question & Answer here Regarding Films Answer: | quote: |
It is impermissible to sell or to purchase films containing pictures of creatures that have souls, as there is a lot of Shar`y (Islamic legal) texts that prohibits making, selling and supporting pictures. They become more prohibited if they lead to spreading Zina and sins, arousing interest in them by revealing the `Awrah (private parts of the body that must be covered in public), kissing, Tabarruj (woman's public display of her charms or adornment) and unveiling the face, mixing between the two sexes, or sodomy. |
[url=]See complete Question & Answer on here[/url] The Ruling on Looking at Women in Films
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It is not permissible to look at pictures of unrelated naked women, nor is it permissible to buy films or magazines in which are such pictures. Indeed, they must be burnt so that evil is not spread, and adultery and fornication do not become prevalent due to the existence of its causes. |
Damilola Sadiq ibn Owodunni
(Lagos, Nigeria || Eastern Province, KSA)
Posts: 338
Joined: Jul 2007
Using computer animation in presenting parables of the Qur'an Question: | quote: |
Some young men plan to produce CDs that include parables of the Qur'an, but they intend to use moving pictures as an alternative for Muslim children who are attracted by such media which exposes them to the negative effects of television and other means of false amusement. They hope to teach children the rulings of their Deen (Islam) in a simplified manner. ... |
Answer: | quote: |
A: This type of portrayal is impermissible for two reasons: First, it includes prohibited moving pictures, and the Prophet (peace be upon him) cursed al-musawireen (photographers, idol-makers, and painters) and informed us that such people will receive the severest punishment from Allah on the day of Resurrection. ... |
See for complete Q & A