Abu Abdullah Abdur-Rahman Elias Rodriguez
(New York, New York)
Posts: 3
Joined: Aug 2010
As Salamu Alaykum,
I am new to the forum and had a question on the authenticity of a particular Hadith. It is written in various books that this is Mursal Hadith and I am familiar with some of the conditions that the various scholars have put on the acceptance of a Mursal Hadith; my question would be then, is this an acceptable Hadith and are the narrators reliable? I do not have access to the full Isnad, but this is what I collected. Any help in this matter is appreciated.
"No one has left behind with their family anything better than two raka'ats offered at home when wanting to travel." - Reported by Al-Mutam ibn Al-Miqdam in At-Tabarani; Ibn Asakir reported it as a Mursal Hadith