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» Taking Pictures Using A Mobile Phone
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16-03-2010 @ 9:04 PM    Notify Admin about this post
ibn Ahmad Maher ibn Ahmad (U.S.A.)
Posts: 950
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Bismillaah Al-Hamdulillaah wa salatu wa salaamu 'ala rasulullaah

Amma ba'd

Taking Pictures Using A Mobile Phone

Subhanak Allaahuma wa bihamdika ash-hadu anlaa illaaha illa anta astaghfiruka wa atubu ilayk  

If I said anything correct, then it is from Allaah (subhanahu wa taa'ala), and if I erred, then that is from me and shaytan.  

17-03-2010 @ 5:57 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Damilola Sadiq ibn Owodunni (Lagos, Nigeria || Eastern Province, KSA)
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جزاكم الله خيرا

17-03-2010 @ 3:22 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abul-'Abbaas Moosaa ibn John Richardson (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia)
Posts: 1280
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of course this applies only to pictures of living things.  as for pictures of cars, houses, mountains, rivers, trees, etc. these are all permissible to take pictures of with a mobile phone or any kind of camera, as it is also permissible to draw or paint them by hand.

we may assume that everyone already knows that, but we do have new muslims on the board.

Moosaa ibn John Richardson

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17-03-2010 @ 9:51 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo Bilal Nahim ibn Abd al Majid (Jeddah, KSA)
Posts: 128
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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه ومن والاه وبعد
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

From the fatawa that has been posted at our Noble Shaykh Saleh al-Fawzaan states: " for the Sunnah and the evidences then picture taking/making in general is Haraam (prohibited) and the picture maker is cursed..." and our brother Moosa has clarified: "...course this applies only to pictures of living things..."

The question that asks is the following: Using video recording of lectures for the purpose of giving da'wah has become widespread in our times with technical advances.  Is it truly permissible in light of the guidance that Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) was sent down with from His Rubb or is it something that we should be discouraging due to the fact that it fall under the ruling of being forbidden (haraam) and moving away from and returning to spreading the da'wah in its written or spoken form (i.e., without recorded images (i.e., videos, dvd's)?

The reason why I ask this question is that if by spreading the deen of Allaah we are also falling under His Wrath, then is it not about time we reassess what we are doing and remove this tool from our da'wah?  Will not the one who creates images on DVD or spreads these videos online whether it be on Youtube or otherwise be sinful in the sight of Allaah?

Please clarify the position of Ahlul-Ilm in light of the Legislation of Allaah, barakh Allaahu feekum.  If there is no clear guidance in this issue then I would suggest that the brothers who have contact with the ulema should give this issue its importance and strive to get a ruling on this issue from them as soon as possible and make it available to the masses.

أحسن الله إليكم
والله أعلم وصلى الله وسلم على نبينا محمد
سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك أشهد أن لا إله إلا أنتأستغفرك وأتوب إليك
وسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Aboo Bilal Nahim

20-03-2010 @ 10:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo Bilal Nahim ibn Abd al Majid (Jeddah, KSA)
Posts: 128
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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه ومن والاه وبعد
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

With regards to my previous posting I would like to get this issue started by highlighting initially a posting found here on  

Titled: Sheikh AlAlaamah Rabee Ibn Haadee refusal of appearing on Television for daıwah purposes and his position in regards to the ruling of this

Just for carification in the above article: "...and limiting themselves to Nuur 'Alaa Darb." is referring to a radio programme that some of the Shayookh have in the past and and present.

أحسن الله إليكم
والله أعلم وصلى الله وسلم على نبينا محمد
سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك أشهد أن لا إله إلا أنتأستغفرك وأتوب إليك
وسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Aboo Bilal Nahim

05-04-2010 @ 11:13 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo Bilal Nahim ibn Abd al Majid (Jeddah, KSA)
Posts: 128
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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه ومن والاه وبعد
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

The fatwa below contain mention of Shaykh Muqbils position in the issue of the permissiblity of using the television, videos, picture for the purpose of da'wah with daleel from the Sunnah of Rasoolullah (sallallaahu 'alahi wa sallam)

May Allaah enable us all to reach the correct understand and application of al-Islaam.

Pictures that Appear on Television Imaam Muqbil

Question: Some people, if you argue against them by mentioning the fact that the Prophet  prohibited the gaze (i.e. looking at members of the opposite sex who are not one's relatives), and likewise Allaah (glory be unto Him, the Most High) prohibited the gaze (at members of the opposite sex) in a verse (of the Qur'aan), the person does not consider the picture that he sees on the television to be the same as this form or image (of a woman) that he sees on the street, for example. He says (about the picture on TV), "This is just a picture."

Answer: Look at this contradiction, my brothers in Allaah's religion. Some people, if you say to them, "Verily looking at the woman that is on television is forbidden," the person will respond by saying, "This woman (on TV, her picture) is not like the woman that is on the street. This is just called a picture (the woman on TV)." Then after this, the looking at the picture itself, if it is a picture that is on paper, and her thighs are exposed, and likewise her arms are uncovered and her face is seductive, it is not permissible for a man to look at her, even if it is just the picture of a woman on paper, let alone if it is a picture of her that appears, and moves, and other things as well (like on TV). And has anything caused more corruptive trials and temptations for the people more than the pictures on television? If the people are not being tested and seduced by the pictures, then why don't they make a television without a picture? We request from them that they make a television without a picture, we the Muslims. What's wrong with them that they put pictures of themselves on their books? What's wrong with them that they take pictures as a part of the curriculums of study, and in other things from the trials and clear matters? The Muslim has no choice in these times but to adhere to his religion and not be concerned with whoever opposes him. That which I advise every brother in Allaah's religion, is that he adheres to his religion and not be concerned with whoever opposes him. May Allaah help everyone to do what He loves and is pleased with.

I ask the brother who is asking the question. The person will say, "Verily the television contains Qur'aan and Hadeeths and religious admonishment and panels discussions." I ask the brother, "Do the governments bring in the television in order to spread the religion of Islam or in order to spread their politics?" With all fairness, the governments bring the televisions and the media broadcasts to spread their politics. So ask Allaah to make it easy for the Muslims to have a means of broadcast that conveys Allaah's religion in the proper manner that it should be conveyed. And all praise is due to Allaah. If the Muslims establish what is obligatory in the masjids and the obligation of inviting to Allaah's religion, then this contains an abundance of good, and all praise is due to Allaah, the Lord of all that exists. The discussion concerning pictures, are they forbidden or not? That which we believe and practice the religion of Allaah upon is that pictures are forbidden, even if there was nothing else to prove it other than the hadeeth about the curtain. And it is the hadeeth related by 'Aishah, and it is in the two Saheehs (of Al-Bukhaaree and Muslim). The hadeeth states that she ('Aishah) covered up the entrance of a small room that she had with a curtain that had images on it. And the curtain was called a Qiraam, which is a type of cloth covering. So the Prophet  entered and he saw the curtain, or he intended to enter and he saw the curtain, and then he refused to enter, and his face showed that he was upset. Then he said, "O 'Aishah, don't you know that the people who will be most severely punished on the Day of Resurrection will be those who make these pictures?" Then, also on another occasion he wanted to enter and found two cushions (in the house) - which means two pillows - and they had images on them. Then he took the two cushions and tore them up. Therefore, pictures, if they are considered pictures of animate beings (that have souls, such as people and animals), then they are forbidden and it makes no difference whether it is a picture on a piece of paper, or on television or on video tape. This is nothing other than blind following and fear of differing with people. The people say, "It is not considered a picture", and  "it is just like a mirror", and other things from these different statements. The mirror doesn't capture the image but the television is a captured image. These are only claims and deceptive tricks upon us so that we remain behind them like cattle. Anything that is brought to us from the enemies of Islam we accept it and meet it with open acceptance. And Allaah is the One who is sought for help.

What do you say about the hadeeth of the curtain (of 'Aishah), oh our brothers? Is the picture that is on the curtain a three dimensional image or not? It is not three-dimensional figure (like a statue). So this is a clear proof that no one can deviate from except someone who is trying to be stubborn or someone who has been effected by some other people or he thinks good about some people (i.e. relying upon them, giving them the benefit of the doubt). And Allaah is the One Who is sought for help. [Ijaabatus-Saa'il 'alaa Ahimm il-Masaa'il, pp.245-246]

Also below is clear fatwa of al-Alaamah, Ash-Shaykh Saleh al-Fawzaan on the issue of filming lectures it is a very clear in its wording on this issue:

Ash-Shaykh al-Fawzaan on Filming Lectures

Ash-Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan was asked as is in tape number 59 of the explanation of Kitaab At-Tawheed and as is posted on

The Question: What is the ruling of filming the lectures and conferences on the video camera for daıwah in the lands of Islaam?

The Answer: The da'wah from the time of the Prophets (عليهم الصلاة و السلام), it has existed and picture making has not been used for it. So there is no need for picture making. There is no need for picture making. The daıwah exists without picture making and something forbidden is not to be used for the purpose of da'wah. Na'am.

Question: Fadeelah Ash-Shaykh, do the pictures that appear on the television enter into this ruling?

The Answer: What removes it from this ruling? They are pictures. They are called pictures. What removes it from this? When they are on the television do we single them out (of the ruling)? We don't single them out. No. They are severe pictures because they are in motion, pictures in motion. They are pictures. Also they remain in these films. They remain tens of years and hundreds of years. They are not like the picture which is in the mirror, an image that appears and goes away. No. This is a lasting picture. It remains and is used every time its use in wanted even after years, tens of years. Na'am.


أحسن الله إليكم
والله أعلم وصلى الله وسلم على نبينا محمد
سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك أشهد أن لا إله إلا أنتأستغفرك وأتوب إليك
وسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Aboo Bilal Nahim

01-10-2010 @ 1:28 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo Bilal Nahim ibn Abd al Majid (Jeddah, KSA)
Posts: 128
Joined: Sep 2002
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه ومن والاه وبعد
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Often people use the argument that there are videos of the people of Ilm on youtube and other websites.  This is not in anyway proof that they supported the use of videos for this purpose.

Below is a fatwa signed by four major scholars of this time.

Q: I have read your opinion on the prohibition of image making and I have a question in this regard. What is the ruling on the present televised images of moving objects which we watch on TV and videotapes and which can be kept for quite a long period of time?

A: The ruling on photographs is general and includes the kinds you mentioned in the question.

May Allah grant us success! May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions!

Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta'

Chairman:           'Abdul-`Aziz ibn 'Abdullah ibn Baz
Deputy Chairman:    'Abdul-Razzaq `Afify
Member:             `Abdullah ibn Ghudayyan
Member:             `Abdullah ibn Qa`ud

Click here

By following the link below you will be taken to numerous fatwas that further clarify this issue in detail, barakh Allaahu feekum.

Some of the questions covered include the following and more:

- Photographs taken for necessity or for decorative purposes
- Taking photographs of living creatures
- Photography and keeping photographs
- Photography in Islam
- Taking photographs of humans and other beings
- Taking photographs of creatures with souls using cameras or the like
- Taking photos of living beings is unlawful whether the picture is three-
  dimensional, photographic, painted, or sculptured
- Photography and buying magazines that have pictures in them
- Photography
- Misconceptions about the unlawfulness of photography
- Televised images on TV and videotapes
- Drawing living beings
- Taking photographs of living creatures
- Absolute prohibition of taking photographs of living creatures
- China decorated with pictures and used only when necessary
- Cursing both Musawwir and the one whose photo is taken
- Earning living from photography and putting photos of living beings at
- The passion for the physical form
- Using drawings and shapes of living beings such as humans and the like
- Taswir of non-living beings


أحسن الله إليكم
والله أعلم وصلى الله وسلم على نبينا محمد
سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك أشهد أن لا إله إلا أنتأستغفرك وأتوب إليك
وسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Aboo Bilal Nahim

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