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26-01-2010 @ 8:56 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Faisal Faisal bin Safder (London)
Posts: 6
Joined: May 2009
Assalamualikum Warahmatullah

I have a question regarding the Istikhaarah.

I have heard a lot of speech amongst South Asians about what to look for in signs and dreams after you have prayer Istikaarah; and if you do not see these 'signs' or dreams then you know that your affair in which you are considering is not from the good matter.

I have been sceptical in this and additionally I have struggled to find literature from the Ulema to explain the true nature of Istikaraah.
I would appreciate some guidance in this matter and perhaps it would benifit the general Muslims; JazakaAllah Khaire


26-01-2010 @ 3:05 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
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26-01-2010 @ 8:23 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Faisal Faisal bin Safder (London)
Posts: 6
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JazakaAllah Khair

31-01-2010 @ 5:34 AM    Notify Admin about this post
AbdurRahman Meda AbdurRahman Narasimham Meda (Dubai, UAE)
Posts: 10
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AsSalam Alaikum, all these issues are addressed in the below article:

Mistakes done in Salatul Istikharah

Source : The Clarified Ruling Of Mistakes Done In Salat ı
By: Mashhur Hasan Al Salman ı Translated by: Iman Zakariyah Abu Gazie

When doing Salatul Istikharah, one does not have to do anything but to perform Salat and recite the affirmed duıaı in a manner similar to any other duıaı in order to fulfill what one intends to do or leaves it.

Accordingly, scholars affirmed that [after performing this Salat] one should start doing the thing he finds his heart inclined to and should not depend on seeing a dream nor should one ask others to perform it on his behalf; it is just a kind of duıaı in which a muslim asks for Allahıs (Subhanahu wa Taala) help to guide him to that which is good. Once a muslimıs heart is willing to tread a certain path which turns to be successful, he would certainly feel satisfied and happy. If not, he would know that goodness is not in the path he chose and would also feel satisfied and thank Allah (Subhanahu wa Taala) for it.(1)

[1/63] A common mistake:

Some people believe that Salatul Istikharah is not valid unless others do it on their behalf and it should be followed by a dream. This is indeed a sheer extremism that Allah (Subhanahu wa Taala) never enjoined nor did His prophetıs (Sallalaahu Alaihi wa Sallam) Sunnah preach. This extremism was born out from exaggeration -that should be avoided- which led to abandoning one of the greatest of the prophetıs (Sallalaahu Alaihi wa Sallam) Sunnan and hence the loss of rewards and blessings.

O, dear muslim brother, ask for Allahıs (Subhanahu wa Taala) guidance in all your affairs and He (Subhanahu wa Taala) will surely guide you to that which is good. He (Subhanahu wa Taala) made asking for his help so easy; just recite the duıaı after performing any [two Rakıahs] Nafilah Salat or perform two Rakıahs especially for this purpose and surely you will be granted more rewards and blessings.

(1) There is disagreement amongst scholars regarding repeating Salatul Istikharah in case one could not decide which way to tread nor was his heart pleased with either doing what he intended to do or abandoning it. There is not, however, any affirmed proof that states the legality of repeating it. See: ıNaylul Awtarı (vol. 3 / p. 90).

And never do what other people usually do of extremism or asking others to do it on their behalf; just take hold of the prophetıs (Sallalaahu Alaihi wa Sallam) Sunnah and you will surely be guided and succeed in this world and in the Hereafter. Indeed, how fortune he is who performs it and participate in its revivification amongst muslims.(1)

[2/63] After doing Salatul Istikharah, do whatever pleases your heart.

Never do that which you intended to do before doing the Salat; you should abandon such an intention otherwise you would not be asking for Allahıs (Subhanahu wa Taala) guidance but your own desires ı we seek Allahıs (Subhanahu wa Taala) refuge from that.

One should be sincere when asking Allahıs (Subhanahu wa Taala) guidance, feeling free from oneıs own knowledge and power and attributing them to Allah (Subhanahu wa Taala) alone. Once one does that, he has been free from his own desires.(2)

Regretfully, many people are not well acknowledged with the legal Salatul Istikharah; consequently, they invented many ways of doing it, none of which is affirmed in the Qurıan nor the Sunnah, not even reported that any of the righteous Salaf to have done them. These forged ways are frequently practiced, and when one preaches the legal one which the prophet (Sallalaahu Alaihi wa Sallam) used to practice, foul tongues will soon severely whip his back and will be considered as an extremist renegade. Indeed, there is no power nor might but with Allah (Subhanahu wa Taala).

(1) ıAl-Madkhalı (vol. 3 / p. 90) by Ibnil Haj, ıHadyun Naby Fis Salawatil Khamssahı (pp. 222-3) and ıAd-Dinul Khalisı (vol. 5 / pp. 245-ı)
(2) ıNaylul Awtarı (vol. 3 / p. 90) with little editing.

The following paragraphs present some of these forged ways of doing Salatul Istikharah:

[3/63] Believing in setting a condition prior to doing Salatul Istikharah;

that is if the matter one wishes to do is good one would see a green or a white colour in oneıs dreams. And if the matter is evil one would see a red or a black colour.

Miscellaneous Mistakes

[4/63] Using the rosary by the one who needs Allahıs (Subhanahu wa Taala) guidance or others make it for him.
One holds the rosary and then presents oneıs need secretly then gathers some of its beads in oneıs hand and counts them. If the number of the beads is an odd one, one would not fulfill what he had intended to do. If the number is an even one, one would consider this as a good sign and would do what he had born in his intention.

Indeed, what is the difference between this way and that which the people of Jahiliyyah used to practice, i.e. the Tiyarah, which is totally prohibited in our Sharı.

[5/63] The cup way.
A cup of coffee is made by a man or a woman for the one who needs the Istikharah. The later drinks the cup of coffee offered to him, then tips it over and after a while gives it to the former to ıreadı it for him. The former looks inside the cup after the leftover has made different shapes and lines -just like any liquid left over does. Then the ıreaderı starts making up different stories for the former and fills his head with legends!!

[6/63] Using necromancy [fortunetelling].
It is done by placing a cup full of water on a special personıs hand which has special lines. This process is done on a certain day of the week. Then the fortune-teller starts humming with unrecognized words calling some of the Jinns in order to bring the thief [as is usually done or tell him about the robery].

[7/63] Using the sand.
It is done by drawing disconnected lines on the sand, then they are counted in a special mathematical way known to those who practice this way. At the end, the fortune-teller gets to know the personıs sign [of the zodiac] and picks out all the information about this sign from a certain book he brought for such a purpose. Then he tells the person about the latterıs past and future events -as he claims. Those people with similar signs are told the same thing.

[8/63] Using the palm.
In this way the fortune-teller claims to have the ability of reading oneıs palm through diagnosing and analysing its lines and starts telling others about their future.

[9/63] Using the Mushaf.
One opens the Mushaf randomly, if oneıs eyes fell on an Ayah that talks about mercy, he would do the thing he wishes, otherwise he wonıt.

[10/63] Some people go to Shaikhs and righteous people to do the Istikharah on their behalf which is a mistake!! No doubt that those of sound sense could easily realize that all these ways are part of the forbidden fortune telling believing in which is one of the grievous sins as the ıUlamah strongly stated.(1)

The prophet (Sallalaahu Alaihi wa Sallam) forbade it saying: ıWhoever attends a fortune teller or a soothsayer and believes whatever he says [the former] has indeed disbelieved in that which was revealed on Muhammad (Sallalaahu Alaihi wa Sallam)ı.(2)

He (Subhanahu wa Taala) also said: ıWhoever attends a fortune teller, asks him about any thing and believes him, his Salat would not be accepted for forty daysı.(3)

I wonder how could people seek such nonsense and falsehood and get away from the prophetıs (Sallalaahu Alaihi wa Sallam) guidance??! It is worth-mentioning here that some people violate the manner in which Salat is done such as: adding the duıa false statements or believing in the necessity of setting conditions before doing the Salat: such as doing it in matter one is confused about, reciting the duıa while doing Sujud ı et. Another mistake people make after doing Salatul Istikharah is saying: ıWe made Istikharah and got no benefitı or other statements that indicate that one is not fully submitted to Allahıs (Subhanahu wa Taala) will. In his ıAl-Fawaıidı (p. 174), Ibn Al-Qayyim said: ıThe warm hearted father always does that which is best for his son; he would even cut one of his organs if necessary. And he would deprive him sometimes from money or desires if this is for his own good.

Allah (Subhanahu wa Taala) the All-wize and Most merciful who always showers His creatures with mercy when afflicting them with misfortune for their own good. Only those with deep faith in Allah (Subhanahu wa Taala) would understand and believe in this, unlike those who lack knowledge in Allahıs perfect names and attributes and resorted instead to their deficient minds, such would gain nothing at all.

Those who believe deeply in Allah (Subhanahu wa Taala) and His perfect knowledge would feel content in this world and in the hereafter when they would live in Paradise. This what truly means to believe in Allah (Subhanahu wa Taala), and accept Islam as oneıs religion and Muhammad as our messengerı.

(1) See: ıAl-Kbaıirı, Grievous Sin (no. 41) (p. 141).
(2) Narrated by: Ahmad in ıAl-Musnadı (vol. 2 / pp. 408, 429, 476), Abu Dawud in ıAs-Sunnanı (vol. 4 / p. 15) (no. 3904), Ad-Darimi in ıAs-Sunnanı (vol. 1 / p. 259), At-Tirmithi in ıAl-Jamiıı (vol. 1 / pp. 242-3) (no. 135), Ibn Majah in ıAs-Sunnanı (vol. 1 / p. 209) (no. 639), Ibnil Jarud in ıAl-Muntaqaı (p. 58), Al-Hakim in ıAl- Mustadrakı (vol. 1 / p. 8) and Al-Baihaqi in ıAs-Sunnan Al-Kubraı (vol. 8 / p. 135). Al-Hakim considered the Hadith as authentic in his ıAl-Mustadrakı with which Ath-Thahabi agreed in his ıAt-Takhlisı and ıAl-Kabaıirı (p. 141) and so did Al- ıIraqi in his ııAmaliı -as reported in ıFaydul Qadirı (vol. 6 / p. 23).
(3) Narrated by: Muslim in his ıSahihı (vol. 4 / p. 1751) (no. 2230).

AsSalam Alaikum wa Rahmatullah
AbdurRahman Meda

07-01-2011 @ 6:05 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Damilola Sadiq ibn Owodunni (Lagos, Nigeria || Eastern Province, KSA)
Posts: 338
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From :
Some Questions & Answers on Salaat-ul-Istikharah

Other Q & A on the same topic:

Related link on SalafiTalk:
[url=]Benefits From al-Istikharah Prayer[/url]

22-01-2011 @ 10:44 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Istabraq Abdul (England)
Posts: 36
Joined: Nov 2009
when are you suppose to read the duaa when praying salatul istikhaarah?
do you do it whilst in sajood (or the actual prayer offered), after tashahud and darood(on last sitting)or are you suppose to do it after the salah (after doing tasleem) by raising your hands?


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