Topic: Shaikh Rabee al-Madkhaliýs list of the Ahl ul-Hadeeth of the last 200 years

amr.basheer    -- 04-06-2008 @ 8:45 PM
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Shaikh Rabee al-Madkhali's list of the al-A'immah al-Kibaar, the scholars of Jarh wa ta'deel; The Ahl ul-Hadeeth of the last 200 years

In his book (First print 1428/Daar al-Minhaaj 408 pages) Tadhkeer an-Naabiheen bi Sayar Aslaafihim Huffaadh al-Hadeeth as-Saabiqeen wal-Laahiqeen, the Shaikh, hafidhullaah, collected the biographies of the A'immah al-Kibaar, the scholars of Jarh wa taýdeel; The Ahl ul-Hadeeth.

The Shaikh wrote this book to encourage the youth to study the Sunnah and Hadeeth, and the sciences related to it. He summarized the biographies from adh-Dhaabee's famous book on the Imaams of Hadeeth and its sciences called Tadhkirah al-Huffaadh. He also mentioned that he benefitted from as-Suyootee's and al-Hussainee's updates to that book.

He starts with Ibn al-Mundhir (d.318) up till Ibn Hajar (852). Then from there the Shaikh wrote the biographies of the Ahl ul-Hadeeth from his own research . After refuting the sayings of some that there are no huffaadh [presevers and scholars of hadeeth] after the 8th century, he begins his list starting with as-Sakhaawee (902).

So we should first read the about the life of the Messenger of Allaah, sallallaahu alayhi was salam, his Companions, may Allaah be pleased with them, the Imaams of the Salaf and those who followed their ways after them. We should try our best to follow them in their example of how they led their lives.

This is a list of the Imaams, the Huffaadh, scholars of hadeeth and its sciences, rahimahumullaah, from the time of Imaam Muhammad bin Abd ul-Wahaab.

1-Imaam Muhammad bin Abd ul-Wahaab [1206]
2-Imaam Saalih bin Muhammad al-Fullaani [1218]
3-Imaam Sulaimaan bin Abdullaah bin Imaam Muhammad bin Abd ul-Wahaab [1233]
4-Imaam Muhammad bin Ali ash-Shawkaani [1250]
5-Imaam Abd ur-Rahmaan bin Hasan bin Imaam Muhammad bin Abd ul-Wahaab [1285]
6-Imaam as-Sayyid Nadheer Hussain ad-Dehlawi [1320]
7-Imaam Muhammad Basheer as-Sahsawaani [1323]
8-Imaam Hussain bin Muhsin al-Yamaani [1327]
9-Imaam Haafidh bin Ahmed al-Hakami [1377]
10-Imaam Muhammad bin Ibraheem bin Abd ul-Lateef [1386]
11-Imaam Abd ur-Rahmaan bin Yahya al-Mu'allami [1386]
12-Imaam Abdullah bin Muhammad al-Qaraýaawi [1389]
13-Imaam Muhammad bin Abd ur-Razzaaq Hamzah [1392]
14-Imaam Aboo Muhammad Abd ul-Haq bin Abd ul-Waahid al-Haashimi [1392]
15-Imaam Abu al-Hassan Ubaidullaah bin Allaamah Muhammad al-Mubaarakfuri [1414]
16-Imaam Badee ud-Deen Shah ar-Raashidee al-Hussaini as-Sindi [1416]
17-Imaam Abd ul-Azeez bin Abdullaah bin Baaz [1420]
18-Imaam Muhammad Naasir ud-Deen bin Nuh Najaati al-Albaani [1420]
19-Imaam Muqbil bin Haadi al-Hamadaani al-Waadiýee [1422]

May Allaah have mercy upon them all and we ask Allaah to make them guides for us today so we can follow their exampleýameen  

abu.jamaal    -- 14-07-2008 @ 7:47 PM
  Assalamu Alaikum

Could you inform us where or how we can purchase the book online and some of us desire to have a book like this from our shaykh hafidhthahullah.

Assalaamu Alaikum

Abu Jamaal Shadeed ibn Holmes

JameelFinch    -- 18-07-2008 @ 11:34 AM
  as salaamu 'alaykum,


Until our brother responds, maybe this will suffice....

Jameel Finch

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