Topic: callers at the gates of hell

shahid393    -- 05-07-2003 @ 12:47 AM

shahid williams

shahid393    -- 08-07-2003 @ 12:34 AM
  Al-'Allaamah Saalih al-Fawzaan, hafidhahullaah, said:


Calling to Allaah, enjoinin gthe good and giving sincere advice to the Muslims is an affair that is required.  However, everyone is not equipped to carry out these duties.  These affairs cannot be carried out, except by the people of knowledge and the people of mature views, because they are important and heavy affairs.  They cannot be carried out, except by those who are fully capable of carrying them out.  And the problem today is that the door of da'wah has become a door that is wide, everyone enters from it and attaches themselves to the da'wah.  Indeed, he could be an ignorant person who is not worthy of the da'wah, so he ends up causing more corruption than rectification.  Indeed, he could be oversealous, such that he takes the affairs with hastiness and heedlessness.  So he produces actions which bring about more evil than remedies and whatever is indended by him from rectification.  Rather, he could be from amongst those who ascribe themselves to the da'wah, yet they have prejudices and desires that they call to and wish to actualize at the expense of the da'wah and honour for the Religion.  And perhaps khilaaf (differing) is intended by that, such as deviating the youth and deterring them from their communities, rulers, and Scholars.  So they come to them by way of advice and by way of da'wah apparently, as is the condition of the hypocrites of this Ummah.  They are those who desire evil, but portray a picture of goodness.

and he also said:


So attention is not given to the ascription, nor to that which is apparent.  Rather, consideration is given to the realities and to the end results of the affairs.

And the individuals who ascribe themselves to the da'wah, it is obligatory to look into them:  Where did they study?  Who did they take knowledge from?  Where did they com from?  What is their 'aqeedah (creed)?  And their dealings and effects amongst the people must be looked into.  And it must be asked, what did they do which resulted in goodness?  And which of their actions brought about rectification?  It is obligatory to study their conditions before becoming deluded by their statements and their outward conditions.  There is no doubt about this aggair, especially in this time which contains many du'aat (callers) to fitnah.  Indeed, the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) described the du'aat of fitnah by saying that they are a people with our skin and they speak with our tongue.  And when the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) was asked about the fitan (trial, tribulation), he said, "They will be callers at the gates of Hell.  Whosoever obeys them, then they will fling him into it."  So he called them du'aat (callers)!

shahid williams

This message was edited by shahid393 on 7-8-03 @ 12:58 AM

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