Topic: Maturidi?

blackwhite    -- 05-12-2009 @ 1:12 PM
  AsSalaamu alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barkaatuhu,

Can the Tulabul Ilm here , tell us about the Maturidi Aqidah.!
Al-Hamdulilah the is COOL! Why not same on the deviatn Maturidis we really need to know about Maturidiyyah.

AsSalaamu alayum.

sajid_chauhan_81    -- 09-12-2009 @ 1:31 PM
  Wa 'alaykum as salaam warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh akhi,

The following chart shows that the Maturidis have almost similar beliefs compared to the Asharis with regards to Allah's Names and Attributes.

The above image is taken from this article.

It would be better if one of the Students of knowledge could comment on the following:-

  1. The way Asharis are divided into 2 broad categories viz. Kullabi-Asharis(Early Asharis) and Jahmi-Asharis(Latter Asharis) ; are the Maturidis also divided into 2 such categories?
  2. What are the differences between Asharis and Maturidis(if any)?
  3. Imam Abul Hasan Ashari rahimahullah repented from his mistakes and accepted the aqeedah of Ahlus Sunnah before his death. Thus, we refer to him as 'Imam'. Did Abu Mansoor al-Maturidi also repent from his mistakes before his death?
  4. Did any of the Scholars make tabdee' of Ibn Kullaab?

JazaakAllahu khayran.

sajid_chauhan_81    -- 17-12-2009 @ 7:29 PM
  Alhamdulillah, has launched!!!

I hope I get my answers in the coming days inshAllah. May Allah reward those behind that and the other Salafi websites. Aameen.

Asharis.Com    -- 17-12-2009 @ 7:11 PM

As salaamu alaykum warahmatullaah.

Here you go!


The Ash'ari Creed Explained

blackwhite    -- 20-12-2009 @ 2:07 PM
  AsSalaamu alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barkaatuhu,

Allahu Akbar !!! Great !! May Allah Azz wa Jall reward you Abundantly...........Aaameen Ya Rab al-Aalameen.


AsSalaamu alaykum.


Abd al-Muhsin al-Ilahbadee al-

sajid_chauhan_81    -- 20-01-2010 @ 2:44 PM
  The answer to my Question no. 4 above can be found in the following thread

Tabdee' of Ibn Kullaab and the Kullabis

Regarding Question no. 3, a student who has tazkiyyah from Shaykh Ubayd
hafidhahullaah mentioned that al-Maturidi never made tawbah from his baatil

WAllaahu 'aalam.

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