Topic: Hajj

Tanweer    -- 02-10-2009 @ 8:29 AM
  Bismillahi Rahmanir Rahim

Assalaamu Alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Dear Brothers and Sisters can you please if anyone of you can help me with some information regarding the questions below
1. What are the different types of Hajj?

2. What is the best Hajj?

3. What are the different opinions on the best type of Hajj?

4. What is the proof for each opinion on the best type of Hajj?

5. What is the best proof out of these, i.e the type recommended to follow?

Jazaak Allahu Khairan

May Allah reward for you.

Jazaak Allah Khayr
Umm Laina

Abu.Lubaynah    -- 03-10-2009 @ 10:09 PM
  Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh

As for the different types of performing Hajj, then there are 3:

1) Hajj at-Tammatu (To perform Hajj and Umrah seperately)

2) Hajj al-Qiraan (To perform Hajj and Umrah in combination)

3) Hajj al-Ifraad (To perform Hajj by itself)

Then as for the best of those 3, then the best performance of Hajj at-Tammatu.  However this is for the pilgrim who has NOT brought with him/her a sacrificial animal with him/her, as the Prophet (sallahu alayhi wa salem) said after the sa'ee between as-Safaa and Marwah "...if I had known before what I knew afterwards, I would NOT have brought my sacrifiacial animal and would have made it Umrah.  For anyone amongst you who has not brought a sacrificial animal, come out ihraam and make it an Umrah..."

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Al-Bukharee and Muslim

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