Topic: Current List of Permanent Committee of Scholars

JameelFinch    -- 23-09-2009 @ 8:31 PM
  As Salaamu 'Alaykum,


Does anyone know where I can find an up to date/ current list of the members of The Permanent Committee of Scholars with their biographies?

Jameel Finch

sajid_chauhan_81    -- 25-09-2009 @ 5:28 PM
  Wa 'alaykum as salaam akhi,

You can find the names of the current members in this news report.

Biographies of some of the past/current Ulemah can be found at

JameelFinch    -- 06-10-2009 @ 10:40 PM

May Allah reward you, brother Sajid.

Your Brother in Islaam,

Jameel Finch al-Makki

UmarTheFloridian    -- 07-10-2009 @ 10:23 PM
  According to both the report our brother Sajid posted and what I was told by some of the tullaab, the current members of al-Lajnah ad-Daa.imah (The Permanent Committee) are as follows:

Shaykh Abdul Aziz Aal ash-Shaykh
Shaykh Fawzaan
Shaykh Ghudayyaan
Shaykh Khunain
Shaykh Mubaarakee

The website lists Shaykh Shithree as being on the Committee, but as of this past Monday he was relieved of all duties on both the Permanent Committee and the Council for Senior Scholars.

For the brothers who don't know - and information about this is difficult to find online in both English and Arabic - the two bodies are stationed in Saudi Arabia but function differently.

The Council of Senior Scholars is larger and older, often holding up to forty members at a time.  They meet once every three months (I was told four months, I can't confirm) to discuss major fiqh issues of the time.  Many good fataawa have come from them in the way of modern issues, such as pressing medical issues or things dealing with technology.  They are mostly the "big cats" when it comes to fiqh, though not all of them are upon the Sunnah.

The Permanent Committee is smaller, usually with only five or six members.  These are generally the most well-rounded scholars of their times, and many of them are not actually Saudi.  Shaykh 'Afeefee, for example, was actually Egyptian.  The Committee is composed of scholars who have a broad knowledge in all areas, and thus they are smaller and more exclusive.  They also meet more often than the Council and discuss a broader range of topics.  A member of the Permanent Committee, as far as I know, is also a member of the Council of Senior Scholars by virtue of being on the Committee.

Both are the heavy hitters in the Muslim ummah.  As I said, finding current information on both bodies is difficult and even many of the people here could not tell you who the members are.  We should strive to know about them and how to contact them though, as many of the problems we have in the West stem from not referring issues back to the major scholars.

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