Topic: How to repent and ask Allaah for forgiveness?

Esad    -- 25-06-2009 @ 8:06 PM
  As-salamu alaykum!

After comitting a sin, is it obligatory upon one to say something in order to repent or can one repent without saying anything?
And after this when asking Allaah for forgiveness, is it obligatory to say something or is it enough to think it?
In the case that one must say something I would really appreciate it if someone can post this here.
Jazakallaahu khayran.

As-salamu alaykum!

dksadiq    -- 29-06-2009 @ 4:55 PM
  wa 'alaikumus-salaam wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh dear brother,

I hope this article helps:

-The Method Of Making Tawbah

Esad    -- 19-08-2009 @ 10:31 PM
  As-salamu alaykum!

Thank you dear brother for your very beneficial answer. However, I do not quite understand it. Does this mean that tawbah are all 5 steps or just the first?
I would also still like to know if these points have to be said or is such an action bid'ah?
Jazakallahu khayran.

As-salamu alaykum!

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