Topic: can someone explain to me please?

newonthedeen    -- 07-04-2009 @ 1:44 AM

i reeaaaally need someones advice. i am a really new revert, and im the only muslim in my family. can someone explain to me WHY we dont take pictures? i have read the hadith stating the image makers will get the severest torment on the day of ressurection, and others like that, BUT, i need someone to explain in DUMMY TERMS(!) **WHY** this is, so i can then explain it to my   rasta-far-i father why he cant take pictures of his new grand daughter! or is it one of those tings where we are told not to do/ or do, something, but the reason is unknown, like the fajr prayer being 2 rakats?
so yes, it wouldbe lovely if someone can explain why as persons we are not allowed to take pictures.
thank u!

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