Topic: Imam Nisai

Dardan    -- 20-03-2009 @ 6:39 PM
  As-Salamu Alaikum!

In wikipedia I read that Imam Nisai did not have pleasent views on Muwaiya ibn Abi Sufyan (Radi Allahu Anhuma)

What is the truth behind this? or is it a complete lie by the Rafidoon?

Abu Maryam Al-Albanee

sajid_chauhan_81    -- 26-03-2009 @ 4:53 PM
  Wa 'alaykum as salaam,

There is an old post on Salafitalk from 2002-2003 in which brothers Moosaa Richardson and Abul Hasan Maalik and some others had quotes from the Ulemah regarding this issue. Probably someone can search it and post the link inshAllaah.

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