Topic: What is Salafism?

daniel    -- 17-03-2009 @ 3:18 PM
  Asalamu alaikum.

I'm a revert of about two years. And I've been curious for a while. What is Salafism in relation to the four Sunni madhabs and other sects of our deen?

I'm genuinely confused by this.

JazakhAllahu kheyran.


dksadiq    -- 17-03-2009 @ 4:55 PM
  Dear Brother Daniel,

wa 'alaikumus-salaam warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh.

May Allah bless you. Insha'Allaah please see "Why Follow the Salaf?" and "Why it is Obligatory to Ascribe Oneself to Salafiyyah" both by Shaykh Muhammad Naasirud-Deen al-Albaanee (may Allaah have mercy upon him) here:

There's more here as well, alhamdulillaah:

You can also browse the site ( for other beneficial audio/articles.

Lastly, this website discusses some misconceptions about Salafiyyah (a.k.a: Salafism):

May Allaah guide us and you,

sajid_chauhan_81    -- 27-03-2009 @ 7:23 PM
  Q 2: What is the definition of 'Salafism'? What do you think of it?

A: Salafism is a term generally used to refer to the Salaf (righteous predecessors) of the first three generations of Muslims which include the Sahabah (Companions of the Prophet), Tabi`un (Followers, the generation after the Companions of the Prophet) and Tabi` Al-Tabi`un (Successors, the generation after the Tabi`un). The Messenger of Allah attested to their righteousness when he said: The best of people are those of my generation, then those who follow them, and then those who follow the latter. After that there will come people whose witness will go ahead of their oaths, and their oaths will go ahead of their witness. Narrated by Al-Bukhari, Muslim and Imam Ahmad in his Musnad

The word 'Salafis' is the Arabic plural of 'Salafi' i.e. a description given to a person who follows the way of salaf mentioned above. It refers to the righteous predecessors who follow the example of the early Muslim generation in their adherence to the Qur'an and Sunnah of the Prophet and calling people to act upon them. They are also known by the name of "Ahl-ul-Sunnah wal-Jama`ah (those adhering to the Sunnah and the Muslim community)".

May Allah grant us success! May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and comapnions!

Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and 'Ifta  
`Abdullah ibn Qa`ud
`Abdullah ibn Ghudayyan  
`Abdul-Razzaq `Afify
`Abdul-`Aziz ibn `Abdullah ibn Baz


Regarding the issue of Taqleed see the fataawa at

Abu.Lubaynah    -- 27-03-2009 @ 8:40 PM
  Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh

This link may assist your search for attaining knowledge in regards to "Salafiyyah."  There are some audio and text of which are translated into english:

May Allaah assist you in your quest! AAMEEN!

Rabbanaa aatinna fe dunya hasanaatan wa fe aakhiratee hasanaatan wa qiynaa athaaban narr

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