Topic: urdu books on following the salaf

rizwan    -- 26-11-2007 @ 8:04 AM
  Salaam i hope that his post finds all the brothers and sisters in the best of emaan and health both physically, mentally and spiritually.

Does anybody know of any good books i the urdu language on following the salaf and ascribing to the salaf. also explaining who the salf where etc if anyone could post some information then that would be excellent.

abdul.azeem    -- 26-11-2007 @ 1:34 PM
  Wa Alaykum Assalaam Wa Rahmathullaahi Wa Barakaathuhu

One of the best books you can ever find with utmost detail is the translation of I'laam al-Muwaqqi`een ann` Rabbil-Aaalameen of Ibn al-Qayyim rahimahullah by Shaykh al-Muhaddith Muhammad Joonaagadhee rahimahullaah.

The end of second volume has numerous proofs with regards to following the Salaf and he beautifully refutes and responds to the claims of the opponents.

This book is one of great books of usool and Shaykh Mash`hoor Hasan aal-Salmaan hafidhahullaah has made it invaluable by his beneficial checking. Every time I came across any doubt people have spread upon Ibn al-Qayyim, I have always found the answer in this very book alhamdulillaah.

Even the claims with regards to Kitab ar-Ruh that is ascribed to him rahimahullaah, I found that Ibn al-Qayyim rahimahullaah has not even left the status of issues relating to dreams, ilhaam, reciting Qur'aan on the graves and much more. I have been reading this book for the past 7 years and each time it just amazes me; may Allaah increase his status in the HereAfter.

As for the claims of Asharee soofees and their cattle ranch, insha Allaah I will respond what I have compiled from Ibn al-Qayyim's own works in due course.

BarakAllaah feek.

Assalaamuaalaykum Wa Rahmathullaahi Wa Barakaathuhu

AbaBakr    -- 26-11-2007 @ 4:21 PM
  Wa Alykum Al-salaam wa Rahmatu Allah wa Barkatu,

Abu Hafsah, known as MasjidulBayaan on here, speaks Urdu and can probably recommend some sound material in Urdu.  I believe he also translated some books from Arabic to Urdu. PM him, and insha'allah he'll reply.    

..Unity with those who seek to poison, distort, or dilute the Sunnah with their innovations? NEVER!!!  

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