Topic: Abu Usamah & QSS: Advice of Shaikh Bazmool

Sulaifi    -- 13-11-2002 @ 12:00 AM
  Here is a link to an excellent article where Shaikh Bazmool is asked clear, truthful questions about Abu Usamah Adh-Dhahabi and QSS and SSNA and Abdul-Mun'im.

What is wrong with these people who claimed love for the scholars but when the scholars advise them, they become haughty and reject their advice.

sajid_chauhan_81    -- 16-03-2010 @ 7:04 AM
  The above link is no longer working. Please click here to read [url=]Shaykh Dr. Ahmed Baazmool's[/url] (hafidhahullah) advice.

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