Topic: Leeds Salafi Da'wah

S.C.E.Leeds    -- 31-05-2007 @ 6:17 PM

Bismillah Walhamdollilah, wasalatu wasalam ala rasoolallah
Amma ba?ad

Asalamuwalaykum warahmatallahi wabarakatahu

Sunnah Community Education is the new name of the dawah organisation in Leeds, which was previously called Leeds Salafi Dawah. We feel that the new name represents our Community Educational work and insha-Allah our future Youth and Mentoring work better.

Indeed all praise is due to Allah, as despite the problems caused in our area by those who appose the manhaj of the salaf asaalih, we have continued to hold classes in Leeds for many years based upon Dawah Salafiya, although only a small scale, mashaa-Allah.

However, after a public talk called ISLAMS WAR ON TERROR, we then began to arrange monthly talks in a Community Hall where many local people are coming to the dawah and where Allah The Most High and The Most Exalted guided 2 people (they are now our sisters) to take the Shahadah.
Walhamdollilah, we will be announcing our 8th Community talk soon, insha-Allah.

We would like to thank all the Students of knowledge and other brothers and sisters in various cities, for their support so far, Jazaqamullahu khair.

Aims for the future, insha-Allah:

As the dawah has been growing in Leeds for some years now and due to none of the masaajid in Leeds being upon the Sunnah, then Sunnah Community Education are working towards establishing a Masjid or a Centre that is based purely upon the manhaj of the Salaf asaaliheen.

In order to continue hiring the Community Hall for the public Dawah and to rent a property for a Masjid or Centre in Leeds, we welcome your support and ideas. May Allah guide and reward you all with janahtul firdous

Wasalamuwalaykum warahmatallahi wabarakatahu


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