Topic: Apr. '07 Seminar - Islam in Our Times (Toronto Leg Now Available)

AbooZakee    -- 17-05-2007 @ 3:02 AM

Apr. '07 Seminar - Toronto Leg:
- Islam in Our Times -

A series of North American and Caribbean Seminars on Islam and Muslims Today
- their status, their trials and the path of moderation and rectification

Topics: The Tribulations of the Muslims Today | The Causes for Destruction | The Means of Rectification | The Moderate Middle Path in times of Fitnah | The Signs of the Hour | Relationships between Muslims and Non-Muslims

Speakers: Shaykh 'Abdullaah al-Ghudaayaan, Shaykh Muhammad al-Anjaree, Bilaal Davis, Aboo Khadeejah, Aboo Iyaad

Lecture List:

Shaykh 'Abdullaah al-Ghudayaan
AG1 Q&A with Shaykh al-Ghudayyan

Shaykh Muhammad al-Anjaree
MA2 Maintaining the Straight Path

Aboo Hakeem Bilaal Davis
BD16 A Talk with the Young Muslims - Respecting Our Parents and Youmul-Kiyyammah
BD17.1-17.5 A Glimpse in to the way of the Salaf (5 CDs)

Aboo Khadeejah 'Abdul-Waahid as-Salafee
AK20 A Talk with the Young Muslims - Peer Pressure and Good Friends
AK21.1-21.6 Readings from Sharh Usoolus-Sunnah of Shaykh Ahmad an-Najmee (6 CDs)

Aboo Iyyaad Amjad ar-Rafeeq
AI1.1-1.3 The Concern for Tawheed in Relation to Rectification of the Ummah (3 CDs)


AbooZakee    -- 26-05-2007 @ 3:29 AM
  Apr. '07 Seminar - Trinidad Leg (10 CDs):
- Islam in Our Times -

Speakers: Bilaal Davis, Aboo Khadeejah

Lecture List:

Aboo Khadeejah 'Abdul-Waahid as-Salafee
AK22.1-22.2 The Ulamaa - Inheritors of the Prophets (2 CDs)
AK23.1-23.2 The Reality of 'Ahlus-Sunnah' in Light of the 'Aqeedah of the Imaams of the Salaf  (2 CDs)

Aboo Hakeem Bilaal Davis
BD18 The Important Bonds of Family
BD19.1-19.2 Following Salafiyyah is Following the Sahabah (2 CDs)

Multiple Speakers
MS10 Uniting upon the Haqq
MS11.1-11.2 Comprehensive Q&A with the Trinidadian Muslims (2 CDs)


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