Topic: Let him take his sitting place in the Fire

Aboo.Ibraaheem    -- 15-05-2007 @ 4:57 PM
  Explanation of the Hadeeth Part 5

al-Bukhaaree reported (no.1291): ??Aboo Nu`aym narrated to us: Sa`eed ibn `Ubayd narrated to us: from `Alee ibn Rabee`ah: from al-Mugheerah-radiyallaahu `anhu- who said: I heard Allaah?s  Messenger say:

<<Attributing a lie to me is not like attributing a lie to anyone (else). Whoever attributes a lie to me deliberately, then let him take his sitting place in the Fire.>>?

[Also reported by Muslim in the introduction to his ?Saheeh? (no.4).]

Translated by Aboo Talhah Daawood ibn Ronald Burbank (May Allaah reward him).

Please download the full article (PDF file).

Haroon as-Salafi

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