Topic: Explanation of the Hadeeth: Part 1

Aboo.Ibraaheem    -- 23-02-2007 @ 5:15 PM

from Aboo Ibraaheem Haroon

As-Salaam alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu,

May Allaah reward you!

Al-Hamdu illaah...

Here's the first part from the new series "Explanation of the Hadeeth".

Imaam Ahmad- rahimahullaah- reported in his ?Musnad? (3/155): "Haashim ibn al-Qaasim narrated to us: Jasr [in the printed text there occurs: Hasan]: narrated to us: from Thaabit: from Anas ibn Maalik who said: Allaah?s Messenger said:

"I would love to meet my brothers."

He said: So he said:

"The Companions of the Prophet: Are we not your brothers?"

So he said:

"You are my Companions; however my brothers are those who believed in me, but did not see me."

Translated by Aboo Talhah Daawood ibn Ronald Burbank.  May Allaah reward him.

[Download the full article: Explanation of the Hadeeth - Part 1]

Haroon as-Salafi

This message was edited by Aboo.Ibraaheem on 2-24-07 @ 3:34 PM

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