Topic: Salma Yaqoob Supports Pagan Festivals

Aboo.Ibraaheem    -- 27-01-2007 @ 6:28 PM
  Salma Yaqoob:

?We are proud that specific celebrations like Christmas, Hanukaah, Diwali and Eid are celebrated in our society without their identity being diluted.  Long may it stay that way!?

This has been taken from her recent ?Respect? party news letter, which was posted into the houses of thousands of people in Birmingham.

RESPECT party?s Full article (about Pagan Festivals):

There has been talk of replacing Christmas celebrations with ?Winter Celebrations? in some parts of the country, allegedly to stop non-Christian communities from feeling excluded.

Respect all cultures

Respect Councillor Salma Yaqoob attacked such proposals at the city council meeting on December 4th:

?This is not political correctness, this is political stupidity.  I am not aware of any faith or ethnic group calling for a halt on public Christmas celebrations.  The point of a true multicultural society is that everyone?s identities are respected and value equally ? including white community and Christians.  

We are proud that specific celebrations like Christmas, Hanukkah, Diwali and Eid are celebrated in our society without their identity being diluted.  Long may it stay that way!

Haroon as-Salafi

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