Topic: The Sealed Nectar

laronssis    -- 26-12-2006 @ 11:44 AM
  As salaamu alaikum,

There was a jew named Mukhaireeq from Bani Tha'labah who fought amongst the prophet and his companions in the battle of Uhud. He died therein. Before he went to battle he instructed the jews to put his property at the phophets (salla allahu alayhi wa salam) disposal in the event of his death. The messenger of Allah (salla allahu alayhi wa salam) said about him "Mukhaireeq is the best Jew".

Did this jew die a muslim or was the phophet only speaking honourably about the jew upholding his end of the treaty that the jews made with the prophet (salla allahu alayhi wa salam)when they first entered Madinah?
Thank you for answering this question.

wa as salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullah

Al-Fudayl ibn Iyyad (Rahimahullaah) said: "Man's fear of Allaah is equal to his Knowledge of Him and his renunciation of worldly pleasures is equal to his desire in the Hereafter."

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