Topic: A question on co-wiving and dividing the time

rahbihah    -- 26-02-2006 @ 6:37 PM
  As Salaamu Alaikum wa rahmatullah

I have a question and I am not sure who I should ask about this or what catagory I should put this in so Insha Allah if anyone has any information about this issue or can ask someone with knowledge for me it would be greatly appriciated.

A man has a wife and lives in a seperate country from her and has an agreement with her to visit her every other month while she handles her affairs where she lives until she is able to move where her husband is.  The husband later decides to take a second wife in the country which he lives.

Does the husband make up the time he missed with his first wife that he spends with his second wife? or does he then spend equal amounts of time between the both wives when the first wife moves to where her husband is?
Does the second wife have to give up her time to allow the husband to spend with the first?

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