Topic: Fundraiser and Bazaar at Salafi Independent School Birmingham

AbdulHameed    -- 07-02-2006 @ 8:56 PM
Fundraiser and Bazaar



Wright Street

Small Heath

Birmingham UK

Sunday 12th February 2006
Starts at 11.00am with a talk by Abu-Khadeejah Abdul-Wahid
"Islam is the Sunnah and the Sunnah is Islam"

5.00pm: LIVE telelink (weekly) with Shaykh ABDULLAAH AL-GHUDAYAAN
Explanation Of The Kitaabut-Tawheed of Shaykhul-Islaam Muhammad Ibn Abdul-Wahhaab (rahimahullaah) & Explanation of Bulooghul-Maraam of Al-Haafidh Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalaanee (rahimahullaah)

Details in the attached leaflet.

AbdulHameed    -- 15-02-2006 @ 8:47 PM
  Asalaamu allaykum wa rahmatullah

Al-Hamdullilaah, by the Grace of Allaah, over £2700 was raised at the sister's fundraiser and bazaar. This money will be used wisely, insha'Allaah, towards the education and well-being of our children at the school.

May Allaah reward those sisters from our teachers and helpers, and the brothers that aided us, who helped to make this event such a wonderful day for the sisters and their' children. Ameen. And we would like to thank all those that attended the event and so helped towards a very noble cause - Jazaakumullaahu khayra.

Wa salaamu allaykum wa rahmatullah.

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