Topic: Sincere Advice Needed Ragarding the Rights of the Father upon his Adult Daughters and Vice Versa

Asmaa.Umm.Hind    -- 19-12-2005 @ 11:54 AM
  As salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullah,

Insha'Allah, I ask that one of the brothers studying overseas present these questions to the ulemah.  I request that when responding to this question, the proofs be provided along with the answer.

What are the rights of a father upon his adult children?  More specifically, what are the rights of a father upon his daughter when he  has moved in to his daughter's home to help out with rent, etc. after her marriage has ended?  The daughter has children and works outside of the home to support herself and her children.  The father is in his mid fifties and he suffers from sickle cell anemia, however is of sound mind and able body.  Before moving in with the daughter, he lived on his own.  He also works outside the home and is even seeking marriage.

What are the rights of the daughter and her children upon her father?

This message was edited by Asmaa.Umm.Hind on 12-20-05 @ 12:25 PM

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