Topic: Who is Muhammad Jibreel in Cairo, Egypt???

Asmaa.Umm.Hind    -- 12-12-2005 @ 1:43 AM
  As Salaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah,

This question is for any of the brothers studying in Saudi with the Ulemah, inshaAllah.  There is a brother in Cairo, Egypt by the name of Muhammad Ibraheem, he gives the Khutbah and gives classes at Masjid Furqan in Cairo.  He teaches from the books of our shyukh, the likes of Shaykh Rabi'a and Shaykh Hajooree, may Allah preserve them both. Can one of the brothers inquire as to the credentials of this brother Muhammad Ibraheem? Is/was he a student of any of the Ulemah?  Is he someone from whom the salafiyoon in Cairo can take our knowledge?  Is he someone who the shyukh would recommend to attend his gatherings and duroos?  

Barak Allahu Feekum
Wa Alaikum salaam wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatu
Ummhind Asmaa bint Dawud AbdarRahman Abdallah

This message was edited by Asmaa.Umm.Hind on 12-13-05 @ 5:14 PM

sameer.abdulkhaliq    -- 13-12-2005 @ 7:16 AM
  Bismillah wa salatus salam alay rasulillah,

AS Salamu alaykum rahmatullah wa barakatu.

   The brother is also known as Muhammad ibn Ibraheem his mother teaches in Madinatun Nasir.HE teachs around 10-12 classes a week, He graduated from Al Azhar and he's young.THis is the info that I know, I heard somemore info I have to confirmit and I'll post it. It was asked to Hasan abdul-wahab al-abanah about taking from him, he confirmed it. I had asked Mustafa George about him, he didn't know him, he said not that many egyptains are not known. SO when we ask about people we have to be real detailed so we can get the answer that we are looking for.
Barak'allahu feek wa jazaka'llahu khair.

Abu Mustafa Sameer

This message was edited by sameer.abdulkhaliq on 12-16-05 @ 5:41 AM

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