Topic: Do you know where to find this....???

Tayub.Malik    -- 02-12-2005 @ 2:21 PM
  asalaamu alaikum ya ikhwaan

I was wondering if anyone can provide a link to or post the arabic version of the booklet entitled "My Experiences in Great Britain" ("Mushaahadaatee fee Britaaniyah") by Shaykh Yahyaa bin 'Alee Al-Hajooree.

This is fairly urgent so any help would be greatly appreciated, wa jazakAllahu khairan

And Allah Knows Best.

Wa assalaamu alaikum.

Abu Muhsin.

Moosaa    -- 03-12-2005 @ 3:41 PM
  Wa 'alaykumus-salaamu wa rahmatullaah.

Its a printed book and its not available on the author's own homepage:

I do not recall having seen it online myself...

May Allaah grant you success.

Moosaa ibn John Richardson

سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك
أشهد أن لا إله إلا أنت
أستغفرك وأتوب إليك

AbuYusufAlKashmiri    -- 05-12-2005 @ 4:08 PM
  As sallam ualikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu

I remember seeing a translation of this booklet a few years ago on the internet somewhere...SPUBS maybe, I can't remember for sure but check it out akhee (if you want the English translation that is).

Abu Yusuf

وكل خير في إتباع من سلف
وكل شر في إبتداع من خلف

Soheil.Keynejad    -- 05-12-2005 @ 6:01 PM
  wa alaykumus salaam wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh

akhee abu muhsin here is the link to the booklet you are looking for "My Experiences in Great Britain" in english.

soheil ibn majid

Tayub.Malik    -- 06-12-2005 @ 1:28 AM
  Assalaamu 'alaykum,

Jazzakallahu khairan akh Moosa and to all you brothers for taking the time to provide assistance in this matter (including those who have messaged me privately). I am aware of the booklet being available in English but needed the Arabic version. La-bas I will try and contact the author insha'Allah.

May Allah bless you all.

Wa assalaamu alaikum.

Abu Muhsin.

"Whoever is silent, then he will be saved." (Recorded by at-Tirmidhi, Ahmad and others)

Abou-Othmane    -- 06-12-2005 @ 10:35 PM
  asalam alikum brother Abu Muhsin,

here is the file brother.

abou othmane

This message was edited by Abou-Othmane on 12-7-05 @ 6:04 PM

shahid393    -- 08-12-2005 @ 3:48 AM
  as-salaamu 'alaykum wa rahmatullaah,

if you look on al-ibaanah, the link to the arabic text is above the link to the english text.

aboo husaam shaheed ibn george williams
wichita, ks  usa

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