Topic: Joining Football-Stadion!

ilyas.abu.ameenah    -- 20-11-2005 @ 10:25 AM
  Es selam aleykum,

the Question is: Is it allowed to go to a Footbal-Match in a Football-Stadion?

Because what I see is, that in some Football-Stadionīs they sell alcohol. And the other reason what I see is, that there is free mixing with woman. And if the Stadion is sold out, it will be impossible not to touch a woman!

Maybe there is a Fatwa about that or something else.

What I need is not a Fatwa about watching Football. What I need is a Question about going in a Football-Stadion!

Inshallah some Brothers can help me.

Barakallahu feeqhum.

Es selam aleykum ve rahmetullah.

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