Topic: Forgotten Sunnah

Abou-Othmane    -- 23-10-2005 @ 3:28 PM
  asalam alikum,

In order to give re-birth to 2 sounnah which are forgoten, I am searching the dalil (hadith, degre of authenticity, where it is quoted and if possible chaar of it from oulama) regarding:

- Paying 2 rakat after asr salat (cheikh Albani have found dalil making it permissible)
- saying the takbir (ALLAHU AKBAR) after the taslim (in each 5 salat)
- giving only one taslim (asalam alikum) at the end of the salat (the prophete (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) did it few time).

In advance, barakaALLAHufikum

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