Topic: Maktabah Yahyaa ibn Ma'een - new book list

Khalil.Karoosi    -- 18-07-2005 @ 11:05 AM
  Assalaamu alaykum

Initially we only wanted to distribute books through Maktabah Yahyaa ibn Ma'een which were published by charitable publishers.  And that is still our preference.

However, there are some books which we need to distribute by necessity which are not published by charitable publishers.  

As such, we now hope to distribute copies of the following books, insha'allaah:

."A Study on Selected Ahadeeth of the Prophet"
(Al-Ibaanah publishing)

."The Methodology of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah on Criticizing
Individuals, Books and Groups"
(Al-Ibaanah publishing)

Both titles are by the imam of Jarh wa Ta'deel in this time, Shaykh Rabee' ibn Haadee al-Madkhalee (may Allaah preserve him and increase him in lifespan)

If you would like to donate copies please do so by placing your orders with as you normally would, but state that they are for Maktabah Yahyaa ibn Ma'een, insha'allaah.

This message was edited by Khalil.Karoosi on 11-14-05 @ 10:26 PM

Khalil.Karoosi    -- 22-07-2005 @ 7:54 PM
  Insha'allaah, we hope to distribute copies of the new T.R.O.I.D books which are due to be released within the next fortnight, insha'allaah.

Watch this space

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