Topic: Maktabah Yahyaa ibn Ma'een - new CD list

Khalil.Karoosi    -- 04-07-2005 @ 8:01 PM
  Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakatuh

Maktabah Yahyaa ibn Ma'een intends to distribute copies of the following new CDs (free), insha'allaah:  

1. "Explanation of The Soorah: 'Al-Humaza' (The Scandalmongers)"  
By Shaykh Muhammad bin Haadee al-Madkhalee
S5.004.CD (Tele-link June ?05, B?ham, U.K)

2. "Explanation of The Hadeeth of Al-'Irbaad Ibn Saariyah"
By Ash-Shaykh `Ubayd al-Jaabiree
S21.021.CD (Tele-link June ?05, B?ham, U.K)

3. "Save Yourselves & Your Families From The Fire"
By Brother Fu?aad bin Sa?ud al-?Amree
C11.001.CD (Khutbah @ al Masjid as-Salafi, B?ham June ?05)

If you would like to donate copies please place yor orders as you normally would but state that you want them to be delivered to Maktabah Yahyaa ibn Ma'een, insha'allaah.

*Maktabah Yahyaa ibn Ma'een needs your support*

Jazakumullaahu khayrun

This message was edited by Khalil.Karoosi on 11-14-05 @ 10:28 PM

Khalil.Karoosi    -- 11-07-2005 @ 10:55 AM
  Insha'allaah, Maktabah Yahyaa ibn Ma'een will be distributing some copies of the new S'Pubs CD, "Perpetrators of Corruption in Our Times" by Abu Hakeem Bilaal Davis (hafidhahullaah).

If anyone would like to donate copies please do so by placing your orders as you normally would but state that you want them to be dispatched to Maktabah Yahyaa ibn Ma'een, insha'allaah.

Khalil.Karoosi    -- 15-07-2005 @ 10:25 PM
  Insha'allaah, Maktabah Yahyaa ibn Ma'een will be distributing some copies of the new S'Pubs CD:

The Right Of Allaah Upon The Servant

By Ash-Shaykh Al-Allaamah Abdullaah Ibn Ghudayyaan

S37.000.CD (Tele-link @ Masjid as-Salafi,B?ham, U.K. July ?05) (1 C.D)

If anyone would like to donate copies please do so by placing your orders as you normally would but state that you want them to be dispatched to Maktabah Yahyaa ibn Ma'een, insha'allaah.

This message was edited by Khalil.Karoosi on 7-16-05 @ 10:48 AM

Khalil.Karoosi    -- 15-07-2005 @ 10:29 PM
  Insha'allaah, Maktabah Yahyaa ibn Ma'een will be distributing some copies of the new S'Pubs CD:

Terrorism - A Perverse Ideology

By Brother Abu Hakeem Bilaal Davis

C7.099.CD (Khutbah @ Masjid as-Salafi,B?ham, U.K. 15/07/05) (1 C.D)

If anyone would like to donate copies please do so by placing your orders as you normally would but state that you want them to be dispatched to Maktabah Yahyaa ibn Ma'een, insha'allaah

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