Topic: Chriistian Families and Easter

Abu-Mariam    -- 24-03-2005 @ 9:19 AM
  Bismillaah alhumdulillaah was salaatu was salaamu 'ala rasulullaah wa ba'ad:

Assallaamu alaikum wa rahmatullaah:

Fast approaching us inshaAllaah is the weekend of Easter.  For those of us who have family members who are or claim to be Christians/Catholics this weekend is quite significant for them.  

I find that when a Muslim has family members who are other than Muslim, Shaytaan it seems increases his (may Allaah curse him) efforts in keeping them deviated and upon dalaalah.  

For this reason I attach to this post a link to the e-book written by Shaykh Rabee ibn Haadee al-Madkhalee (hafidhahullaah) entitled 'The Status of Jesus in Islaam', this book has been translated by Aqeel Walker (may Allaah reward him with good) and is available on

May Allaah aid us in our efforts in giving da'wah to our families be they kuffar or Muslim.  Ameen.  May He the One who is free from all imperfections, The Irresistable keep us firm upon the Manhaj as-Saalim.  Ameen.

wassallaamu 'alaikum

Abu Mariam Hashim ibn Ya'qub as-Surtee

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