Topic: Fasting 6 days in Shawwaal    -- 15-11-2004 @ 12:43 AM
  As-Salaamu'alaykum wa'Rahma tu'Llah,

My su'aal is concerning the hadith in sahih Muslim regarding if one fasts Ramadaan and six days in Shawaal it is as if he has fasted an entire year. For clarity from previous years for today, for myself and the benefit of the iqwaa wa' akhawaat, are these six days to be six consecutive days in shawwaal or can they be divided throughout the month, and were there six specific days the messenger of Allah (sal'Allahu'alayhe wa'salaam) would fast (beginning of shawwaal promptly after Ramadhaan, the middle of the month, or the end of the month)??

Baarak-Allaahu Feekum - wa sal-Allaahu wa-sallam 'alaa Nabiyyinaa Muhammad,
was-Salaam 'alaykum wa-Rahmatullaahe wa-Barakaatuh.

Abu' Salafiyoon Faruq ibn' Fuqua    -- 15-11-2004 @ 1:04 AM    -- 16-11-2004 @ 4:49 AM
  As-Salaamu'Alaykum akhi fee UK,

Jazaakum Allahu'khuli khair for the response.

Baarak-Allaahu Feekum - wa sal-Allaahu wa-sallam 'alaa Nabiyyinaa Muhammad,
was-Salaam 'alaykum wa-Rahmatullaahe wa-Barakaatuh.

Abu' Salafiyoon Faruq ibn' Fuqua

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