Topic: Saudi Crown Prince's Wife Defends Veil    -- 03-08-2004 @ 9:20 PM[/url]


al.Arabaanee    -- 05-08-2004 @ 1:50 PM
  Assalamu alaikum

The text:

Saudi Crown Prince's Wife Defends Veil

Tue Aug 3, 2:10 PM ET  

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates - The wife of Saudi Arabia's crown prince defended wearing the veil, compulsory for women in the kingdom, saying in a rare interview published Tuesday that women are happy with the traditional garb.


Princess Hasah al-Shalaan praised her husband, Crown Prince Abdullah, for supporting women and their rights in the conservative kingdom.

"He doesn't distinguish (between his sons and daughters), and always says that a woman has her rights, given to her by God and Islam, so why should we take them away from her," she said in the interview with the Arab daily al-Hayat.

She also defended the wearing of the veil, saying, "I ask God to maintain the blessing (of the veil). This modest, conservative dress makes people equal and is a symbol of our religion."

"We respect our traditions and culture and the religion of others; why doesn't the West respect our reality and life and thoughts? Everyone must know that, especially for woman, we have our traditions and culture and we will not give them up. The Saudi woman is generally happy with this situation."

The paper published a picture of the crown prince with the interview, but did not carry a photograph of his wife. The wives of senior Saudi officials rarely give interviews to the media and are not often seen in public.

It was said: "I would prefer to be a tail in the truth than to be a head in falsehood."

Abu Khadijah Abdurrahman ibn Tony Curtis Lawson

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