Topic: Announcing the Launch of WWW.TARBIYYAHBOOKSTORE.COM

aboo.muaadh    -- 19-07-2004 @ 5:49 AM
  as salam 'alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,

The brothers at Tarbiyyah Bookstore are pleased to announce that the website is now officially launched. There are some sections of the website that are still being developed (such as the links section, free audio, etc.), but articles are currently being uploaded and updates are occurring daily.

Tarbiyyah Bookstore sought the advice of Aboo 'Uways Abdullah Ahmad, Taalib Abdullaah, and Aqeel Ingram throughout our development process. We at Tarbiyyah Bookstore would like to thank them for their advice, support and contributions. May Allaah reward them generously.

Also the forthcoming publication,"Explanatory Notes on Imaam an-Nawawee's Forty Ahadeeth," is in the final editing process and we are expecting it to be released by mid to late August. We are still offering discounts on pre-orders for the book and we thank those who have already pre-ordered for their support.

Feel free to browse our site and offer any comments, suggestions, or constructive criticisms.

as salam 'alaykum,

Tarbiyyah Bookstore

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